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New Wear Reader App Takes Reading Everywhere the Apple Watch Can Go - Published on 05/13/15
Massachusetts based Jacoh LLC has announced Wear Reader 1.1.0, their new app for iOS and Apple Watch. Wear Reader enables users to read books on-the-go right on their Apple Watch, without the need for tablets or physical copies of the reading material. While phone screens offer a large, handheld, and manual way of reading, Wear Reader delivers text in a unique manner. Words are displayed one at a time automatically, at an adjustable reading speed.
Cambridge, Massachusetts - The Wear Reader app by Jacoh enables users to read books on the go right on their Apple Watch without the need for tablets or physical copies of the reading material. Wear Reader rapidly displays text, one word after another, on the surface of the Apple Watch to enable users to read books quickly, yet remember all of the text they have read.
Avid readers often find themselves in situations where they have time to continue reading a book, but the space or circumstances do not allow them that opportunity," said Jason Boggess, CEO of Jacoh. "With Wear Reader, you can now pick up where you left off on the subway on the way home while still being able to hold on to the train with both hands and without worrying about someone knocking your phone or eReader out of your hands."
While phone screens offer a large, handheld, and manual way of reading, Wear Reader delivers text in a unique manner. Words are displayed one at a time automatically, at an adjustable reading speed. Readers can read as slow as 50 Word Per Minute (WPM) or as fast as 1000 and the reading pace is adjustable per book in case users want to take a classic novel slow, but an action-packed thriller fast. Serial presentation of text allows readers to suppress their inner vocalization of the book, enabling them to read faster while still retaining all the information. Readers are less likely to "space out" like some do while scanning long pages of text, as the automatic advancement of words keep wearers engaged.
Users can choose to view longer words for a longer amount of time or treat every word the same. There are also options to pause the flow after every chapter to catch a quick break, or continue reading right on through. The black text on a white background design reduces eyestrain associated with focusing on large blocks of text. The eyes also work less by staying in one place instead of darting around the pages of a book, which permits the reader to stay reading longer. The format lends itself to reading in dark or low-lighted areas, while improving battery life. For those that are curious about knowing how far they are into a book, progress bars appear on top of the reading screen to show how far the read is into the book and current chapter.
The app closely replicates the experience of quickly navigating a book, allowing readers to easily jump around chapters or change books without using their iPhone. Bookmarks automatically record the last position users were in for each book, so it is easy to pick up where you left off. Fast-forward and rewind options make re-read parts a breeze.
* Imports ePub book format, Microsoft(C) Word Docx files, and Text Formats
* Adjustable speed to read at a quick or leisurely pace
* Quickly change books and chapters on both the iPhone and Apple Watch
* White text on a dark background reduces eyestrain and increases battery life
* Fast-forward and rewind buttons for quick navigation
* Have your entire library on the watch - no need to upload or download books
* Cover display for beautiful library browsing
The introduction of tablets and eReaders opened up new possibilities of reading on the go and carrying your entire library with you digitally," said Boggess. "Our app brings that dream to life by automating the reading process and taking books to new, unexpected locations. For the first time on Apple mobile platforms, you can now read and adventure, while having an adventure."
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
* Compatible with Apple Watch paired with iPhone
* Optimized for iPhone 5, iPhone 6/6 Plus
* Requires iOS 8.2 or later
* 10.7 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Wear Reader 1.1.0 is $1.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Books category.
Wear Reader 1.1.0: http://wearreader.com/
Download from iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/app/wear-reader/id955700510
Download from Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jacoh.wearreader
Screenshot 1: http://a1.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple1/v4/ed/a8/dd/eda8dd91-de56-d536-36b1-d9cb1dcc56d5/screen322x572.jpeg
Screenshot 2: http://a2.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple3/v4/a0/90/ba/a090ba03-9381-fb82-0d78-0e39d87d257d/screen390x390.jpeg
App Icon: http://a3.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple7/v4/f7/b3/35/f7b335f4-a7a1-016c-c1aa-0cf84adaa7c0/icon175x175.jpeg
Jacoh LLC is a Boston area startup looking to push the boundaries of technology. In addition to doing consulting and development for iOS, Android, and Web applications, Jacoh is actively pursuing research into the futures of computing and electronic collaboration. Wear Reader-related code, text, and images Copyright(C) 2015, Jacoh LLC. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74861.htm
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Disk Cartography Disk Space Analyzer Debuts in Mac App Store
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Disk Cartography Disk Space Analyzer Debuts in Mac App Store - Published on 05/13/15
Atlanta based CleverFiles has announced Disk Cartography 1.1, their new new disk space analyzing tool for Mac OS X. On sale for a limited time, Disk Cartography enables anyone to quickly and easily map their drives and remove large files. It can map almost any type of drive connected to a Mac, including hard drives, memory cards, USB flash drives, and even network drives. Entire drives can be scanned, or users can choose to drill down to a specific folder or subfolder.
Atlanta, Georgia - CleverFiles has announced Disk Cartography to the Mac App Store. This professional disk analyzing tool makes visualizing and freeing up space on hard drives easy and efficient. Its unique folder structure visualization brings immediate clarity to drive storage, showing which apps, movies, photo and music collections are taking up the most space.
Disk Cartography can map almost any type of drive connected to a Mac - hard drives, memory cards, USB flash drives, and even network drives. Entire drives can be scanned, or users can choose to drill down to a specific folder or subfolder. This is useful to scan and clean out cloud-connected storage folders like Dropbox and Google Drive. Files and folders are color-coded so you can see at a glance which ones are taking up the most space.
Users can choose to sort the results by file/folder size, percentage of space used within a parent folder, or by number of files within a folder. Results can then be further filtered by file type, keyword, and file size. This means users can quickly and easily identify files that are taking up too much space. Once space hogs are identified, Disk Cartography makes it easy to delete the files and will immediately update the disk map in real time.
System Requirements:
* OS X 10.7 or later
* 64-bit processor
* 0.9 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Disk Cartography 1.1 is on sale for $1.99 for a limited time in the Mac App Store, till May 7th, 2015. The app is the brainchild of CleverFiles, based in Atlanta, Georgia.
Cleverfiles Software: http://www.cleverfiles.com/
Disk Cartography 1.1: https://itunes.apple.com/app/disk-cartography-clever-disk/id905264208
Screenshot: http://a4.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple5/v4/aa/69/74/aa6974a4-303d-9d7b-300d-056e581861ec/screen800x500.jpeg
Application Icon: http://a4.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple3/v4/89/1f/04/891f04b9-1c7c-77e9-cc85-0488e57f0f1a/icon256.png
Established in 2001, CleverFiles is a privately owned software developer, specializing in system software utilities for Mac OS X. The company delivers top-notch solutions having a friendly team of thirty professionals. Copyright (C) 2001-2015 Cleverfiles Software. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, Mac OS X and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74860.htm
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Disk Cartography Disk Space Analyzer Debuts in Mac App Store - Published on 05/13/15
Atlanta based CleverFiles has announced Disk Cartography 1.1, their new new disk space analyzing tool for Mac OS X. On sale for a limited time, Disk Cartography enables anyone to quickly and easily map their drives and remove large files. It can map almost any type of drive connected to a Mac, including hard drives, memory cards, USB flash drives, and even network drives. Entire drives can be scanned, or users can choose to drill down to a specific folder or subfolder.
Atlanta, Georgia - CleverFiles has announced Disk Cartography to the Mac App Store. This professional disk analyzing tool makes visualizing and freeing up space on hard drives easy and efficient. Its unique folder structure visualization brings immediate clarity to drive storage, showing which apps, movies, photo and music collections are taking up the most space.
Disk Cartography can map almost any type of drive connected to a Mac - hard drives, memory cards, USB flash drives, and even network drives. Entire drives can be scanned, or users can choose to drill down to a specific folder or subfolder. This is useful to scan and clean out cloud-connected storage folders like Dropbox and Google Drive. Files and folders are color-coded so you can see at a glance which ones are taking up the most space.
Users can choose to sort the results by file/folder size, percentage of space used within a parent folder, or by number of files within a folder. Results can then be further filtered by file type, keyword, and file size. This means users can quickly and easily identify files that are taking up too much space. Once space hogs are identified, Disk Cartography makes it easy to delete the files and will immediately update the disk map in real time.
System Requirements:
* OS X 10.7 or later
* 64-bit processor
* 0.9 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Disk Cartography 1.1 is on sale for $1.99 for a limited time in the Mac App Store, till May 7th, 2015. The app is the brainchild of CleverFiles, based in Atlanta, Georgia.
Cleverfiles Software: http://www.cleverfiles.com/
Disk Cartography 1.1: https://itunes.apple.com/app/disk-cartography-clever-disk/id905264208
Screenshot: http://a4.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple5/v4/aa/69/74/aa6974a4-303d-9d7b-300d-056e581861ec/screen800x500.jpeg
Application Icon: http://a4.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple3/v4/89/1f/04/891f04b9-1c7c-77e9-cc85-0488e57f0f1a/icon256.png
Established in 2001, CleverFiles is a privately owned software developer, specializing in system software utilities for Mac OS X. The company delivers top-notch solutions having a friendly team of thirty professionals. Copyright (C) 2001-2015 Cleverfiles Software. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, Mac OS X and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74860.htm
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Notebooks 8 for iOS adds PDF Reader and Background Sync for Dropbox
A new article has been published at prMac.
Notebooks 8 for iOS adds PDF Reader and Background Sync for Dropbox - Published on 05/13/15
Independent developer Alfons Schmid has announced Notebooks 8 for iPad and iPhone, a major upgrade to his productivity application which integrates text processing, document organization and task management. Notebooks 8 adds a full featured PDF reader with annotations, search, bookmarks and more. It also tightens its integration with Dropbox by adding automatic synchronization and background refresh, which makes Dropbox sync a "set and forget" experience in Notebooks.
Salzburg, Austria - Alfons Schmid has announced the release of Notebooks 8 for iPad and iPhone, a major upgrade to his application, which has a sting focus on text processing, but also allows users to organize documents and files in multiple hierarchies, and which integrates task management on top. This unique combination allows an uninterrupted train of thoughts when creating documents, consulting supportive documentation, producing ideas, breaking them down into tasks and assigning them to their designated lists.
The addition of powerful PDF tools in Notebooks 8 further increases its versatility. The tools allow users to annotate PDF documents by highlighting phrases in various colors, adding comments, notes and handwritten text or drawings, and stamping symbols or signatures onto the PDF. Users can easily browse documents by swiping through the pages, or quickly navigate large documents by using the thumbnail view; users can also set bookmarks, search the documents' full text and much more. As far as PDF handling is concerned, Notebooks' PDF Reader leaves little to be desired.
Notebooks 8 takes synchronization with Dropbox to the next level. It is now able to start a sync with Dropbox without user interaction, taking advantage of iOS "background refresh": when the user is working in another app or while the device is not being used at all, iOS wakes up Notebooks at irregular intervals and gives it the chance to sync with Dropbox. - Even without background refresh, Notebooks is able to quickly detect changes on Dropbox and import the corresponding documents. This can take place automatically while the user is working in Notebooks, or it can be triggered with a simple gesture. So whenever the user opens Notebooks, the changes made on Dropbox have already been imported.
Notebooks, originally designed to do away with paper notes, has evolved into a powerful productivity app and includes a text processor for formatted documents, plain text and Markdown, provides space to store and organize files and documents, and supports complex task management. Synchronization with Dropbox or WebDAV servers makes it easy to import and export documents and to synchronize the contents of Notebooks between multiple devices (iOS, Mac and PC). Despite its power, Notebooks strives to be light weight. It allows users to selectively turn functionality on and off and keep the user interface as simple as possible.
Users can create beautifully formatted documents using WYSIWYG style editing, create formatted HTML using Markdown, or simply type plain text notes, and all while using custom fonts, colors, and patterns. A user-defined row of extra keys for characters that are hard to reach on the built-in keyboard allows customization and provides timesaving shortcuts. It is easy to convert between formats, or to turn a documents into a PDF or even an eBook.
Notebooks supports unlimited nested structures (books) to organize documents by topics, subjects, projects or any personal preferences. This makes it easy to separate private notes from business documents, client data from journal entries, school subjects from each other and so on. A book in Notebooks displays its contents either as a list of documents, or as a list of tasks with due dates and alert times (if desired). Task lists can be nested, too, which allows users to split complex projects into smaller, less intimidating packages which are easy to manage.
Notebooks handles all of a user's notes and documents like HTML, RTF, PDF, MS Office, iWork, email, photos, videos or web archives. It features a number of options that facilitate import, export and synchronization between multiple devices (iOS, Mac and PC), with Dropbox and WebDAV sync being two of the most prominent. With this unique combination of features, Notebooks has the potential to replace multiple apps:
* Text Editor
* Word Processor
* Task Manager
* File Organizer
* Markdown Composer (and HTML to Markdown converter)
* PDF Reader
* PDF Converter
* eBook Creator
* Email Archive
Whether users want to draft or outline a business presentation, type a chapter of a short-story, list inventory, save web pages for reading later, write an entry in a diary or journal, tick off tasks, or just capture notes and ideas on the go, Notebooks is the all-inclusive note application that will effortlessly handle all tasks.
Notebooks for Mac OS X and Windows are the desktop counterparts that synchronize and integrate with Notebooks for iPad and iPhone. They are available from the Notebooks website.
Language Support:
* U.S. English, German, French, and Spanish
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
* Requires iOS 7.0 or later
* 19.1 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Notebooks 8 (for iPad and iPhone) is $9.99 (USD), available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Productivity category. Review copies are available on request. Notebooks PDF Reader is available as an in-app-purchase for $3.99 (USD).
Notebooks 8.0: http://www.notebooksapp.com
Feature Changes: http://www.notebooksapp.com/notebooks-8-for-ipad-and-iphone/
Purchase and Download: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id780438662
Notebooks PDF Reader: http://www.notebooksapp.com/ios/notebooks-pdf-reader/
Screenshot: http://a3.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple4/v4/33/5c/34/335c346a-d1da-fe25-f793-5fb662d02644/screen480x480.jpeg
App Icon: http://a5.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple3/v4/32/b2/49/32b249b0-509e-622a-c2f1-8071979620c9/icon175x175.jpeg
Based in Salzburg, Austria, indie developer Alfons Schmid holds a degree in Computer Science and has spent the past ten years in sales and consulting in the field of Document Management. Today he works as a freelance consultant for customers throughout Central Europe. He originally created Notebooks for iPhone and iPad to meet his own requirements. Copyright (C) 2008-2015 Alfons Schmid. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, and iPod are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74859.htm
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Notebooks 8 for iOS adds PDF Reader and Background Sync for Dropbox - Published on 05/13/15
Independent developer Alfons Schmid has announced Notebooks 8 for iPad and iPhone, a major upgrade to his productivity application which integrates text processing, document organization and task management. Notebooks 8 adds a full featured PDF reader with annotations, search, bookmarks and more. It also tightens its integration with Dropbox by adding automatic synchronization and background refresh, which makes Dropbox sync a "set and forget" experience in Notebooks.
Salzburg, Austria - Alfons Schmid has announced the release of Notebooks 8 for iPad and iPhone, a major upgrade to his application, which has a sting focus on text processing, but also allows users to organize documents and files in multiple hierarchies, and which integrates task management on top. This unique combination allows an uninterrupted train of thoughts when creating documents, consulting supportive documentation, producing ideas, breaking them down into tasks and assigning them to their designated lists.
The addition of powerful PDF tools in Notebooks 8 further increases its versatility. The tools allow users to annotate PDF documents by highlighting phrases in various colors, adding comments, notes and handwritten text or drawings, and stamping symbols or signatures onto the PDF. Users can easily browse documents by swiping through the pages, or quickly navigate large documents by using the thumbnail view; users can also set bookmarks, search the documents' full text and much more. As far as PDF handling is concerned, Notebooks' PDF Reader leaves little to be desired.
Notebooks 8 takes synchronization with Dropbox to the next level. It is now able to start a sync with Dropbox without user interaction, taking advantage of iOS "background refresh": when the user is working in another app or while the device is not being used at all, iOS wakes up Notebooks at irregular intervals and gives it the chance to sync with Dropbox. - Even without background refresh, Notebooks is able to quickly detect changes on Dropbox and import the corresponding documents. This can take place automatically while the user is working in Notebooks, or it can be triggered with a simple gesture. So whenever the user opens Notebooks, the changes made on Dropbox have already been imported.
Notebooks, originally designed to do away with paper notes, has evolved into a powerful productivity app and includes a text processor for formatted documents, plain text and Markdown, provides space to store and organize files and documents, and supports complex task management. Synchronization with Dropbox or WebDAV servers makes it easy to import and export documents and to synchronize the contents of Notebooks between multiple devices (iOS, Mac and PC). Despite its power, Notebooks strives to be light weight. It allows users to selectively turn functionality on and off and keep the user interface as simple as possible.
Users can create beautifully formatted documents using WYSIWYG style editing, create formatted HTML using Markdown, or simply type plain text notes, and all while using custom fonts, colors, and patterns. A user-defined row of extra keys for characters that are hard to reach on the built-in keyboard allows customization and provides timesaving shortcuts. It is easy to convert between formats, or to turn a documents into a PDF or even an eBook.
Notebooks supports unlimited nested structures (books) to organize documents by topics, subjects, projects or any personal preferences. This makes it easy to separate private notes from business documents, client data from journal entries, school subjects from each other and so on. A book in Notebooks displays its contents either as a list of documents, or as a list of tasks with due dates and alert times (if desired). Task lists can be nested, too, which allows users to split complex projects into smaller, less intimidating packages which are easy to manage.
Notebooks handles all of a user's notes and documents like HTML, RTF, PDF, MS Office, iWork, email, photos, videos or web archives. It features a number of options that facilitate import, export and synchronization between multiple devices (iOS, Mac and PC), with Dropbox and WebDAV sync being two of the most prominent. With this unique combination of features, Notebooks has the potential to replace multiple apps:
* Text Editor
* Word Processor
* Task Manager
* File Organizer
* Markdown Composer (and HTML to Markdown converter)
* PDF Reader
* PDF Converter
* eBook Creator
* Email Archive
Whether users want to draft or outline a business presentation, type a chapter of a short-story, list inventory, save web pages for reading later, write an entry in a diary or journal, tick off tasks, or just capture notes and ideas on the go, Notebooks is the all-inclusive note application that will effortlessly handle all tasks.
Notebooks for Mac OS X and Windows are the desktop counterparts that synchronize and integrate with Notebooks for iPad and iPhone. They are available from the Notebooks website.
Language Support:
* U.S. English, German, French, and Spanish
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
* Requires iOS 7.0 or later
* 19.1 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Notebooks 8 (for iPad and iPhone) is $9.99 (USD), available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Productivity category. Review copies are available on request. Notebooks PDF Reader is available as an in-app-purchase for $3.99 (USD).
Notebooks 8.0: http://www.notebooksapp.com
Feature Changes: http://www.notebooksapp.com/notebooks-8-for-ipad-and-iphone/
Purchase and Download: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id780438662
Notebooks PDF Reader: http://www.notebooksapp.com/ios/notebooks-pdf-reader/
Screenshot: http://a3.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple4/v4/33/5c/34/335c346a-d1da-fe25-f793-5fb662d02644/screen480x480.jpeg
App Icon: http://a5.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple3/v4/32/b2/49/32b249b0-509e-622a-c2f1-8071979620c9/icon175x175.jpeg
Based in Salzburg, Austria, indie developer Alfons Schmid holds a degree in Computer Science and has spent the past ten years in sales and consulting in the field of Document Management. Today he works as a freelance consultant for customers throughout Central Europe. He originally created Notebooks for iPhone and iPad to meet his own requirements. Copyright (C) 2008-2015 Alfons Schmid. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, and iPod are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74859.htm
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Tarot Readings - Four new apps for fortune tellings and cards divination
A new article has been published at prMac.
Tarot Readings - Four new apps for fortune tellings and cards divination - Published on 05/13/15
Astraport Inc. has announced four new and unique mobile applications for all learners and professional readers by divination cards - Tarot Readings, Lenormand Readings, Playing Cards fortune tellings, Oracles and Runes divinations. Whether you are a Tarot expert or an amateur, these apps will help you predict your future, get to know yourself and the people around you better, find out answers to your questions, plan your life and avoid possible problems and danger.
Astrakhan, Russian Federation - Astraport Inc. has announced four new and unique mobile applications for all learners and professional readers by divination cards - Tarot Readings, Lenormand Readings, Playing Cards fortune tellings, Oracles and Runes divinations. This is the best fortune-telling apps based on iOS and Android mobile platforms. Free for phone and tablets.
The unbeaten functionality of these apps makes them the world's best fortune-telling tool ever created, while their revolutionary upgrades take cards readings to a whole new level. Whether you are a Tarot expert or an amateur, these apps will help you predict your future, get to know yourself and the people around you better, find out answers to your questions, plan your life and avoid possible problems and danger. They are always with you, no Internet connection is required. Unique capabilities that you won't find in any other app or even Tarot books:
* The Subconscious Mind card selection mode. It's more than just random card selection. Now you direct your energy and extrasensory abilities chosen by the cards.
* Card pair meanings. Over 2,000 meanings.
* Meanings depending on the sphere. Love, work/career, health, advice. For upright and reversed cards!
* The Constructor to design your own spreads. Create your own spreads and tell fortunes. Change the background, delete cards, use significators, add text - your capabilities are unlimited.
* Fortune-telling Diary. You can save all your predictions to view them later to compare with reality, while all the cards will still keep their meanings!
Spread analysis. Each fortune-telling session is followed by a detailed statistical analysis and general interpretation based on the cards.
* Fortune-telling Calendar. The embedded lunar calendar will indicate how accurate the predictions are at each specific day.
* The card of the day. What will happen to you tomorrow? Count on your good luck.
* Over 120 spreads. 7 spread categories with previews and descriptions. A spread gets available for fortune-telling with just one touch.
* Three card spreading modes.
* Deck division. Tell fortunes using only the Major Arcana or Minor Arcana.
* Music and sounds. Naturally, they can be disabled in the settings.
* 6-7 card decks. Classic and traditional Tarot card decks.Posting a picture of your spread in your social network accounts and forwarding it to your email.
* Selecting a Significator. Press on "S" and get four options of selecting a Significator: Randomly, from a list, based on the querent's date of birth (the one whose fortunes are told), based on the querent's looks. After the Significator is selected, you can pull it to any empty area so it doesn't distract you from the spread and the rest of the cards.
* An extra cards. Press on the button " " at the end of your fortune-telling session, if the question you asked hasn't been answered or needs clarification or an additional question has been asked, and now you can pull several more cards (up to three) and get additional interpretations. The interpretation of the spread is recalculated based on these extra cards. Extra cards can be pulled aside so they don't distract you from the rest of the cards.
* Complete with a tutorial mode and video instructions.
* An individual cards reading and answer to your most burning question from an expert (paid service).
Fortune Telling Apps: http://apps.virtual-fortune-teller.com
Download From iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/app/tarot-reading-free-fortune/id982185420
Download From Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.com.astraport.tarotreading.en
Download From Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/mas/dl/android?p=air.com.astraport.tarotreading.en
Screenshot: http://virtual-fortune-teller.com/assets/images/s1.jpg
App Icon: http://virtual-fortune-teller.com/assets/_500.jpg
Based in in Astrakhan, Russia, Astraport is a mobile software development company founded in 2009. The team consists of three developers, programmer, system administrator and designer. The company has released several apps for the mobile platform on psychology, self-knowledge and esoterica subjects. All applications are available for iOS and Android devices. Copyright (C) 2015 Astraport Inc. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74858.htm
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Tarot Readings - Four new apps for fortune tellings and cards divination - Published on 05/13/15
Astraport Inc. has announced four new and unique mobile applications for all learners and professional readers by divination cards - Tarot Readings, Lenormand Readings, Playing Cards fortune tellings, Oracles and Runes divinations. Whether you are a Tarot expert or an amateur, these apps will help you predict your future, get to know yourself and the people around you better, find out answers to your questions, plan your life and avoid possible problems and danger.
Astrakhan, Russian Federation - Astraport Inc. has announced four new and unique mobile applications for all learners and professional readers by divination cards - Tarot Readings, Lenormand Readings, Playing Cards fortune tellings, Oracles and Runes divinations. This is the best fortune-telling apps based on iOS and Android mobile platforms. Free for phone and tablets.
The unbeaten functionality of these apps makes them the world's best fortune-telling tool ever created, while their revolutionary upgrades take cards readings to a whole new level. Whether you are a Tarot expert or an amateur, these apps will help you predict your future, get to know yourself and the people around you better, find out answers to your questions, plan your life and avoid possible problems and danger. They are always with you, no Internet connection is required. Unique capabilities that you won't find in any other app or even Tarot books:
* The Subconscious Mind card selection mode. It's more than just random card selection. Now you direct your energy and extrasensory abilities chosen by the cards.
* Card pair meanings. Over 2,000 meanings.
* Meanings depending on the sphere. Love, work/career, health, advice. For upright and reversed cards!
* The Constructor to design your own spreads. Create your own spreads and tell fortunes. Change the background, delete cards, use significators, add text - your capabilities are unlimited.
* Fortune-telling Diary. You can save all your predictions to view them later to compare with reality, while all the cards will still keep their meanings!
Spread analysis. Each fortune-telling session is followed by a detailed statistical analysis and general interpretation based on the cards.
* Fortune-telling Calendar. The embedded lunar calendar will indicate how accurate the predictions are at each specific day.
* The card of the day. What will happen to you tomorrow? Count on your good luck.
* Over 120 spreads. 7 spread categories with previews and descriptions. A spread gets available for fortune-telling with just one touch.
* Three card spreading modes.
* Deck division. Tell fortunes using only the Major Arcana or Minor Arcana.
* Music and sounds. Naturally, they can be disabled in the settings.
* 6-7 card decks. Classic and traditional Tarot card decks.Posting a picture of your spread in your social network accounts and forwarding it to your email.
* Selecting a Significator. Press on "S" and get four options of selecting a Significator: Randomly, from a list, based on the querent's date of birth (the one whose fortunes are told), based on the querent's looks. After the Significator is selected, you can pull it to any empty area so it doesn't distract you from the spread and the rest of the cards.
* An extra cards. Press on the button " " at the end of your fortune-telling session, if the question you asked hasn't been answered or needs clarification or an additional question has been asked, and now you can pull several more cards (up to three) and get additional interpretations. The interpretation of the spread is recalculated based on these extra cards. Extra cards can be pulled aside so they don't distract you from the rest of the cards.
* Complete with a tutorial mode and video instructions.
* An individual cards reading and answer to your most burning question from an expert (paid service).
Fortune Telling Apps: http://apps.virtual-fortune-teller.com
Download From iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/app/tarot-reading-free-fortune/id982185420
Download From Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.com.astraport.tarotreading.en
Download From Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/mas/dl/android?p=air.com.astraport.tarotreading.en
Screenshot: http://virtual-fortune-teller.com/assets/images/s1.jpg
App Icon: http://virtual-fortune-teller.com/assets/_500.jpg
Based in in Astrakhan, Russia, Astraport is a mobile software development company founded in 2009. The team consists of three developers, programmer, system administrator and designer. The company has released several apps for the mobile platform on psychology, self-knowledge and esoterica subjects. All applications are available for iOS and Android devices. Copyright (C) 2015 Astraport Inc. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74858.htm
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Maysalward Announces New Trix with Complex Game Play Option for iOS
A new article has been published at prMac.
Maysalward Announces New Trix with Complex Game Play Option for iOS - Published on 05/12/15
Maysalward announces the release of Trix 4.1 for iOS with Complex Play in the App Store. The new, free-to-play version of Trix was developed by merging years of artificial intelligence gameplay data, and a simple design to create an authentic Trix experience for players. The update brings a complete redesign, with portrait or landscape play, rich animations, and sleek, simple controls that provide a more tactile gameplay experience. Players can share their results via Facebook and Twitter.
Amman, Jordan - Leading mobile game developer Maysalward is proud to announce the release of Trix 4.1 for iOS with Complex Play option in the App Store. The new, free-to-play Trix was developed for mobile by merging years of artificial intelligence gameplay data, and a simple design to create an authentic Trix Card Game experience for players.
�Since the First Trix Game we developed back in 2004, we've set out to create the most authentic and immersive Trix Single Play experience that mirrors the fun and excitement consumers have on real Trix Table - all in a free-to-play game," said Nour KHRAIS CEO and Founder of Maysalward. "We listened closely to our players' feedback and our player community to create a Trix experience that delivers the strong, unique features players have been asking for while staying true to the classic game our loyal fans have loved for the last 11 years."
The game's new features include a complete redesign, with a refreshed look and feel designed to give players a new fresh feeling. The game now allows portrait or landscape play, offers rich animations, a clear view of cards, and improved audio with new sound tracks. Trix 4.1 also includes improved gameplay - offering sleek, simple controls to create a more tactile gameplay experience. Also included is a social experience to allow players to share their results via Facebook and Twitter.
Maysalward Trix is the world's largest Trix, with more than 10 million Players having played the game since its launch in 2004.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
* Requires iOS 6.0 or later
* 18.3 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Trix 4.1 is Free, and is available worldwide in the App Store in the Games category. Trix is also available for Android via Google Play, Amazon Fire devices via the Amazon appstore, and BlackBerry devices via BlackBerry World.
Maysalward: https://www.maysalward.com/
Trix 4.1: https://www.maysalward.com/app/trix/
Download: https://itunes.apple.com/app/trix/id447596479
Screenshot: http://a1.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple5/v4/0d/2a/dc/0d2adca3-7c18-0b5e-8ccd-fb66cc3f5b90/screen568x568.jpeg
App Icon: http://a5.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple7/v4/a8/d7/49/a8d7492b-3e5e-e1d3-a554-d7c828ee6130/icon175x175.jpeg
Founded in November 2003, Maysalward is the first mobile game development company in the Middle East and is recognized as the leader of mobile games development in the region. Based in Jordan, and under a globalized vision, Maysalward has designed and developed some of the most popular mobile board, card and arcade games in the region. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPad and iPod are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74922.htm
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Maysalward Announces New Trix with Complex Game Play Option for iOS - Published on 05/12/15
Maysalward announces the release of Trix 4.1 for iOS with Complex Play in the App Store. The new, free-to-play version of Trix was developed by merging years of artificial intelligence gameplay data, and a simple design to create an authentic Trix experience for players. The update brings a complete redesign, with portrait or landscape play, rich animations, and sleek, simple controls that provide a more tactile gameplay experience. Players can share their results via Facebook and Twitter.
Amman, Jordan - Leading mobile game developer Maysalward is proud to announce the release of Trix 4.1 for iOS with Complex Play option in the App Store. The new, free-to-play Trix was developed for mobile by merging years of artificial intelligence gameplay data, and a simple design to create an authentic Trix Card Game experience for players.
�Since the First Trix Game we developed back in 2004, we've set out to create the most authentic and immersive Trix Single Play experience that mirrors the fun and excitement consumers have on real Trix Table - all in a free-to-play game," said Nour KHRAIS CEO and Founder of Maysalward. "We listened closely to our players' feedback and our player community to create a Trix experience that delivers the strong, unique features players have been asking for while staying true to the classic game our loyal fans have loved for the last 11 years."
The game's new features include a complete redesign, with a refreshed look and feel designed to give players a new fresh feeling. The game now allows portrait or landscape play, offers rich animations, a clear view of cards, and improved audio with new sound tracks. Trix 4.1 also includes improved gameplay - offering sleek, simple controls to create a more tactile gameplay experience. Also included is a social experience to allow players to share their results via Facebook and Twitter.
Maysalward Trix is the world's largest Trix, with more than 10 million Players having played the game since its launch in 2004.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
* Requires iOS 6.0 or later
* 18.3 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Trix 4.1 is Free, and is available worldwide in the App Store in the Games category. Trix is also available for Android via Google Play, Amazon Fire devices via the Amazon appstore, and BlackBerry devices via BlackBerry World.
Maysalward: https://www.maysalward.com/
Trix 4.1: https://www.maysalward.com/app/trix/
Download: https://itunes.apple.com/app/trix/id447596479
Screenshot: http://a1.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple5/v4/0d/2a/dc/0d2adca3-7c18-0b5e-8ccd-fb66cc3f5b90/screen568x568.jpeg
App Icon: http://a5.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple7/v4/a8/d7/49/a8d7492b-3e5e-e1d3-a554-d7c828ee6130/icon175x175.jpeg
Founded in November 2003, Maysalward is the first mobile game development company in the Middle East and is recognized as the leader of mobile games development in the region. Based in Jordan, and under a globalized vision, Maysalward has designed and developed some of the most popular mobile board, card and arcade games in the region. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPad and iPod are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74922.htm
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OnDemandWorld Introduces New iBeacon App - Showcase for iBeacon
A new article has been published at prMac.
OnDemandWorld Introduces New iBeacon App - Showcase for iBeacon - Published on 05/12/15
OnDemandWorld has released Showcase for iBeacon 1.1.1, which brings improved features, as well as stability and bug fixes to the app. Showcase for iBeacon is designed to allow digital marketing executives to demonstrate how iBeacon can help their clients to achieve more sales and delight their customers. By using iBeacon technology, retailers can lure shoppers into their store, track where they are in the store, and then send appropriate promotional content to that user's smartphone.
London, United Kingdom - OnDemandWorld announces the release of Showcase for iBeacon 1.1.1, and brings improved features, as well as stability and bug fixes. The iBeacon app is designed to allow digital marketing executives to demonstrate how iBeacon can help their clients to achieve more sales and delight their customers. By using iBeacon technology, retailers can draw shoppers into their store - and then guide customers around.
"To maximize revenue, retailers always need to display products to their customers in the best possible light. iBeacon helps here - by helping them target customers with the right offers at the right time. However, retailers are also interested in the insight it brings to a customer's browsing habits," says OnDemandWorld's Vice President, Terence Lau.
Showcase for iBeacon uses Bluetooth Low Energy technology, known as BLE, to target a shopper's precise location. By adding iBeacons around the premises, retailers can track where a shopper is in the store, and can send appropriate promotional content to that user's smartphone. As soon as a store visitor walks within range of an iBeacon, images of the retailer's choosing will appear on the customer's device. If a shopper approaches an item, information about that item will appear on the phone.
"Our solutions offer a way for retailers to demonstrate their products to clients and make the sales purchase in a more convenient way," Lau added.
The advantages to the retailer are endless. A restaurant owner can entice a potential customer walking by with an image of its signature dish. A retailer can direct shoppers to a particular part of their store to promote a product or drive sales. A customer who looks at an item and puts it back down can be given a coupon to entice them to buy. Item purchasers can be given images of other related products available. Trade show exhibitors can even use iBeacons to direct traffic into their booth.
The app works with any hardware that broadcasts an iBeacon signal, regardless of whether it is OnDemandWorld's BeaconGo brand or iBeacons available from alternative providers such as Estimote and Radius Networks.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
* Requires iOS 7.0 or later
* Optimized for iPhone 5, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus
* 35.1 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Showcase for iBeacon 1.1.1 is Free, and is available worldwide exclusively in the App Store in the Utilities category.
OnDemandWorld: http://www.ondemandworld.com/
Showcase for iBeacon 1.1: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id949759189
Screenshot: http://a2.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple1/v4/eb/df/07/ebdf0746-9204-3a04-0613-339a292da0c0/screen322x572.jpeg
App Icon: http://a1.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple7/v4/ff/aa/fa/ffaafa8c-4e29-d090-bffc-f886c6fc5d6d/icon175x175.jpeg
OnDemandWorld is an independent, privately-held, profitable web and mobile platform development company based in London, UK, and was founded in 2008. Its goal is to deliver applications that are both elegant and useful. Copyright (C) 2015 OnDemandWorld. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74921.htm
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OnDemandWorld Introduces New iBeacon App - Showcase for iBeacon - Published on 05/12/15
OnDemandWorld has released Showcase for iBeacon 1.1.1, which brings improved features, as well as stability and bug fixes to the app. Showcase for iBeacon is designed to allow digital marketing executives to demonstrate how iBeacon can help their clients to achieve more sales and delight their customers. By using iBeacon technology, retailers can lure shoppers into their store, track where they are in the store, and then send appropriate promotional content to that user's smartphone.
London, United Kingdom - OnDemandWorld announces the release of Showcase for iBeacon 1.1.1, and brings improved features, as well as stability and bug fixes. The iBeacon app is designed to allow digital marketing executives to demonstrate how iBeacon can help their clients to achieve more sales and delight their customers. By using iBeacon technology, retailers can draw shoppers into their store - and then guide customers around.
"To maximize revenue, retailers always need to display products to their customers in the best possible light. iBeacon helps here - by helping them target customers with the right offers at the right time. However, retailers are also interested in the insight it brings to a customer's browsing habits," says OnDemandWorld's Vice President, Terence Lau.
Showcase for iBeacon uses Bluetooth Low Energy technology, known as BLE, to target a shopper's precise location. By adding iBeacons around the premises, retailers can track where a shopper is in the store, and can send appropriate promotional content to that user's smartphone. As soon as a store visitor walks within range of an iBeacon, images of the retailer's choosing will appear on the customer's device. If a shopper approaches an item, information about that item will appear on the phone.
"Our solutions offer a way for retailers to demonstrate their products to clients and make the sales purchase in a more convenient way," Lau added.
The advantages to the retailer are endless. A restaurant owner can entice a potential customer walking by with an image of its signature dish. A retailer can direct shoppers to a particular part of their store to promote a product or drive sales. A customer who looks at an item and puts it back down can be given a coupon to entice them to buy. Item purchasers can be given images of other related products available. Trade show exhibitors can even use iBeacons to direct traffic into their booth.
The app works with any hardware that broadcasts an iBeacon signal, regardless of whether it is OnDemandWorld's BeaconGo brand or iBeacons available from alternative providers such as Estimote and Radius Networks.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
* Requires iOS 7.0 or later
* Optimized for iPhone 5, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus
* 35.1 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Showcase for iBeacon 1.1.1 is Free, and is available worldwide exclusively in the App Store in the Utilities category.
OnDemandWorld: http://www.ondemandworld.com/
Showcase for iBeacon 1.1: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id949759189
Screenshot: http://a2.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple1/v4/eb/df/07/ebdf0746-9204-3a04-0613-339a292da0c0/screen322x572.jpeg
App Icon: http://a1.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple7/v4/ff/aa/fa/ffaafa8c-4e29-d090-bffc-f886c6fc5d6d/icon175x175.jpeg
OnDemandWorld is an independent, privately-held, profitable web and mobile platform development company based in London, UK, and was founded in 2008. Its goal is to deliver applications that are both elegant and useful. Copyright (C) 2015 OnDemandWorld. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74921.htm
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Billiards School for iOS - Effective Training of Billiards Techniques
A new article has been published at prMac.
Billiards School for iOS - Effective Training of Billiards Techniques - Published on 05/12/15
Vladimir Belko has released Billiard School 1.1 for iOS devices. Billiard School demonstrates the steps required to master all necessary billiards techniques, strokes and exercises. More than one and a half hours of video shows everything required for billiards training and users will be able to perform complicated exercises with certainty just in a few practice sessions. The updated app brings a user interface redesign, new video resolution, and 7.0+ iOS support.
Minsk, Belarus - Vladimir Belko is proud to announce the release of Billiard School 1.1 for iOS devices. The updated version brings a user interface redesign, new video resolution, and 7.0+ iOS support. Billiard School demonstrates the steps to master all necessary billiards techniques, strokes and exercises. More than one and a half hours of video shows everything required for billiards training and users will be able to perform complicated exercises with certainty just in a few practice sessions.
Tens of thousands of users took advantage of Vladimir's training film to improve their skills. Many of them have achieved good results, becoming champions in the pool and snooker.
The training courses included in Billiard School will allow anyone catch on to the main concept of the game in a very short time! For most amateurs it takes years of hard practices at the table. By using this application while learning to play billiards, users can become a skilled player just in one year.
What should average player know about billiards? The behavior of the balls on the table after the stroke. But to perform the correct stroke users need to know the basics, understand the game and hit a cueball the right way. Only then can the player execute a precise stroke, implement his plan and win the game or match.
Billiard School 1.1 Table of Contents:
1. Introduction
2. Stance. Body Position
3. About Training Process
4. Easy Ball Pocketing
5. "Follow the Sun" Game
6. Ball Piercing
7. Ball Rolling
8. "Gate" Exercise
9. Pocket Narrowing
10. Cutting
11. Rail Balls
12. Spins
13. Stun Shot
14. "Squares" Exercise
15. Cue Acceleration. Power Shot
16. Tactical Skills Development
17. Psychological Training
Billiard School reveals the secrets of the correct stroke execution, step-by-step it shows how to achieve the best results, and also teaches how to understand the game and gain victory.
The application contains some very difficult exercises, which can be completed only with the proper serious approach. Practicing these exercises will give a deeper comprehension of the game, and grant you the possibility to conquer it completely! In a short period of time you will beat all your friends and rivals, and through intensive training you will become a true professional in a year.
School of Billiards is an application based on a turn-based lecture course, which will help both novice players and advanced amateurs to understand the game of billiards, significantly improve their skills and learn how to be an absolute winner! Even professional players may find a lot of useful things within this application and become a better player. Drill to win!
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
* iOS 5.1 or later
* Optimized for iPhone 5, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus
* 823 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Billiard School 1.1 is $9.99, and is available worldwide exclusively in the App Store in the Sports category.
VibSoft: http://billiard4u.net/
Billards School: http://2billiard.com
Purchase and Download: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id368538558
Screenshot: http://a2.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple7/v4/f2/8b/4f/f28b4f64-c39d-a0e4-dbf0-b7082e5c9e9b/screen640x640.jpeg
App Icon: http://a1.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple5/v4/23/85/5c/23855c38-398f-f8af-bc0e-cca4aae3e542/icon175x175.jpeg
Vladimir Belko is an international pyramid referee. He refereed Russian and Belarusian championships, major international tournaments, 2000-2001 World Pyramid Championships, etc. He also worked as Secretary of the Belarusian Billiards Association and Secretary of the Chief referee panel of the International Pyramid Committee, and co-authored numerous instructional videos and learning books. Copyright (C) 2015 Vladimir Belko. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone and iPod are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74920.htm
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Billiards School for iOS - Effective Training of Billiards Techniques - Published on 05/12/15
Vladimir Belko has released Billiard School 1.1 for iOS devices. Billiard School demonstrates the steps required to master all necessary billiards techniques, strokes and exercises. More than one and a half hours of video shows everything required for billiards training and users will be able to perform complicated exercises with certainty just in a few practice sessions. The updated app brings a user interface redesign, new video resolution, and 7.0+ iOS support.
Minsk, Belarus - Vladimir Belko is proud to announce the release of Billiard School 1.1 for iOS devices. The updated version brings a user interface redesign, new video resolution, and 7.0+ iOS support. Billiard School demonstrates the steps to master all necessary billiards techniques, strokes and exercises. More than one and a half hours of video shows everything required for billiards training and users will be able to perform complicated exercises with certainty just in a few practice sessions.
Tens of thousands of users took advantage of Vladimir's training film to improve their skills. Many of them have achieved good results, becoming champions in the pool and snooker.
The training courses included in Billiard School will allow anyone catch on to the main concept of the game in a very short time! For most amateurs it takes years of hard practices at the table. By using this application while learning to play billiards, users can become a skilled player just in one year.
What should average player know about billiards? The behavior of the balls on the table after the stroke. But to perform the correct stroke users need to know the basics, understand the game and hit a cueball the right way. Only then can the player execute a precise stroke, implement his plan and win the game or match.
Billiard School 1.1 Table of Contents:
1. Introduction
2. Stance. Body Position
3. About Training Process
4. Easy Ball Pocketing
5. "Follow the Sun" Game
6. Ball Piercing
7. Ball Rolling
8. "Gate" Exercise
9. Pocket Narrowing
10. Cutting
11. Rail Balls
12. Spins
13. Stun Shot
14. "Squares" Exercise
15. Cue Acceleration. Power Shot
16. Tactical Skills Development
17. Psychological Training
Billiard School reveals the secrets of the correct stroke execution, step-by-step it shows how to achieve the best results, and also teaches how to understand the game and gain victory.
The application contains some very difficult exercises, which can be completed only with the proper serious approach. Practicing these exercises will give a deeper comprehension of the game, and grant you the possibility to conquer it completely! In a short period of time you will beat all your friends and rivals, and through intensive training you will become a true professional in a year.
School of Billiards is an application based on a turn-based lecture course, which will help both novice players and advanced amateurs to understand the game of billiards, significantly improve their skills and learn how to be an absolute winner! Even professional players may find a lot of useful things within this application and become a better player. Drill to win!
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
* iOS 5.1 or later
* Optimized for iPhone 5, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus
* 823 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Billiard School 1.1 is $9.99, and is available worldwide exclusively in the App Store in the Sports category.
VibSoft: http://billiard4u.net/
Billards School: http://2billiard.com
Purchase and Download: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id368538558
Screenshot: http://a2.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple7/v4/f2/8b/4f/f28b4f64-c39d-a0e4-dbf0-b7082e5c9e9b/screen640x640.jpeg
App Icon: http://a1.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple5/v4/23/85/5c/23855c38-398f-f8af-bc0e-cca4aae3e542/icon175x175.jpeg
Vladimir Belko is an international pyramid referee. He refereed Russian and Belarusian championships, major international tournaments, 2000-2001 World Pyramid Championships, etc. He also worked as Secretary of the Belarusian Billiards Association and Secretary of the Chief referee panel of the International Pyramid Committee, and co-authored numerous instructional videos and learning books. Copyright (C) 2015 Vladimir Belko. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone and iPod are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74920.htm
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Cody Simpon Fans to Vote on His Next Song Name Via Choosr iPhone App
A new article has been published at prMac.
Cody Simpon Fans to Vote on His Next Song Name Via Choosr iPhone App - Published on 05/12/15
Australian/American teen idol Cody Simpson and British boy band The Wanted announce today that they will use the iPhone app "Choosr" to work out the best names for their upcoming songs. Under the agreement with Lexington Creative, Cody's four potential song names and The Wanted's three potential titles will not be revealed other than through the app. Choosr allows users to upload questions and also vote on other users' questions. The app is described as a free, instant crowdsourcing app.
Darlinghurst, Australia - Australian/American teen idol Cody Simpson and British boy band The Wanted have announced today that they will use the iPhone app "Choosr" to work out the best names for their upcoming songs. This is a joint announcement with the app's developer, Lexington Creative.
The artists were approached by the developer late last year with idea of using the new crowdsourcing app to help choose their next song titles. Both Cody and The Wanted tested the app ahead of its release and were impressed with its functionality, ease of use and clean design, and they accepted Lexington Creative's offer.
The app Choosr allows users to upload questions and also vote on other people's questions. The app is described as a free, instant crowdsourcing app. It will provide the artists with a quick and easy way to reach their target market as well as gain extra visibility with potential fans. The move is a novel way to connect with a generation that uses their smartphones for almost everything.
Under the agreements with Lexington Creative, Cody's four potential song names and The Wanted's three potential titles will not be revealed other than through the app. The titles are due to be released for voting on Wednesday, May 13, 2015.
Choosr is the instant crowd sourcing app, allowing users to get quick advice from a targeted crowd on virtually any topic.
Choosr lets anyone easily and accurately crowd source opinions on virtually anything. Users can both ask questions and vote on others' at the same time. When posting a question, users give up to 4 options, each one consisting of an image and/or statement/caption. To get a target audience's opinion, they can also filter the age range and sex of the voters.
Issues and decisions that the app could be used to get opinions on include:
* Fashion ("What should I wear?")
* Fun hypotheticals ("Would you rather...?")
* Interest in a new idea ("would you use an app that locates florists?")
* Business decisions ("Which logo looks best?" or "which product packaging looks best"?
* Purchases ("Which color suits our walls best?" or "Which puppy should I buy?")
* Teen interests ("Who's hotter - 1D or Justin Bieber?")
* Relationships ("What should I get my wife for anniversary?" or "what should I do about a cheating partner?")
With its simple layout, featuring an Instagram-style tab bar, the app is easy and intuitive for new users.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
* Requires iOS 7.0 or later
* 14.8 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Choosr 1.0 is Free and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Entertainment category.
Lexington Creative: http://www.qualityappdesign.com/
Choosr 1.0: http://www.choosrapp.com
Download from iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/app/choosr/id937978747
YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFSTx1XJ6LA
Screenshot: http://a1.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple3/v4/b6/08/3e/b6083ed0-74d1-3952-201e-257a3148b00c/screen568x568.jpeg
App Icon: http://a2.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple3/v4/c1/ef/05/c1ef059d-e269-87f3-760c-6ebb9e1e8167/icon175x175.png
Located in San Jose, California and Sydney, Australia, Lexington Creative is an app development company that was founded in 2009. All Material and Software (C) Copyright 2009-2015 Lexington Creative. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74910.htm
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Cody Simpon Fans to Vote on His Next Song Name Via Choosr iPhone App - Published on 05/12/15
Australian/American teen idol Cody Simpson and British boy band The Wanted announce today that they will use the iPhone app "Choosr" to work out the best names for their upcoming songs. Under the agreement with Lexington Creative, Cody's four potential song names and The Wanted's three potential titles will not be revealed other than through the app. Choosr allows users to upload questions and also vote on other users' questions. The app is described as a free, instant crowdsourcing app.
Darlinghurst, Australia - Australian/American teen idol Cody Simpson and British boy band The Wanted have announced today that they will use the iPhone app "Choosr" to work out the best names for their upcoming songs. This is a joint announcement with the app's developer, Lexington Creative.
The artists were approached by the developer late last year with idea of using the new crowdsourcing app to help choose their next song titles. Both Cody and The Wanted tested the app ahead of its release and were impressed with its functionality, ease of use and clean design, and they accepted Lexington Creative's offer.
The app Choosr allows users to upload questions and also vote on other people's questions. The app is described as a free, instant crowdsourcing app. It will provide the artists with a quick and easy way to reach their target market as well as gain extra visibility with potential fans. The move is a novel way to connect with a generation that uses their smartphones for almost everything.
Under the agreements with Lexington Creative, Cody's four potential song names and The Wanted's three potential titles will not be revealed other than through the app. The titles are due to be released for voting on Wednesday, May 13, 2015.
Choosr is the instant crowd sourcing app, allowing users to get quick advice from a targeted crowd on virtually any topic.
Choosr lets anyone easily and accurately crowd source opinions on virtually anything. Users can both ask questions and vote on others' at the same time. When posting a question, users give up to 4 options, each one consisting of an image and/or statement/caption. To get a target audience's opinion, they can also filter the age range and sex of the voters.
Issues and decisions that the app could be used to get opinions on include:
* Fashion ("What should I wear?")
* Fun hypotheticals ("Would you rather...?")
* Interest in a new idea ("would you use an app that locates florists?")
* Business decisions ("Which logo looks best?" or "which product packaging looks best"?
* Purchases ("Which color suits our walls best?" or "Which puppy should I buy?")
* Teen interests ("Who's hotter - 1D or Justin Bieber?")
* Relationships ("What should I get my wife for anniversary?" or "what should I do about a cheating partner?")
With its simple layout, featuring an Instagram-style tab bar, the app is easy and intuitive for new users.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
* Requires iOS 7.0 or later
* 14.8 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Choosr 1.0 is Free and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Entertainment category.
Lexington Creative: http://www.qualityappdesign.com/
Choosr 1.0: http://www.choosrapp.com
Download from iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/app/choosr/id937978747
YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFSTx1XJ6LA
Screenshot: http://a1.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple3/v4/b6/08/3e/b6083ed0-74d1-3952-201e-257a3148b00c/screen568x568.jpeg
App Icon: http://a2.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple3/v4/c1/ef/05/c1ef059d-e269-87f3-760c-6ebb9e1e8167/icon175x175.png
Located in San Jose, California and Sydney, Australia, Lexington Creative is an app development company that was founded in 2009. All Material and Software (C) Copyright 2009-2015 Lexington Creative. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74910.htm
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Ultrapop 2.0 Offers New Filter Packs, Sleeker Interface and Store
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Ultrapop 2.0 Offers New Filter Packs, Sleeker Interface and Store - Published on 05/12/15
Ultralab Apps today is happy to announce a major update of their photo editing app Ultrapop. Ultrapop can be used to recreate vaporwave, seapunk and other Internet art inspired styles in one's mobile photography. The updated version boasts a variety of new filters conveniently organized into packs, as well as totally refurbished interface. Big news is the in-built filters store that allows digital artist to submit their own filters to be featured in the app.
Minsk, Belarus - Ultralab Apps today is thrilled to announce the release of Ultrapop 2.0, a collection of acid neon filters and shapes that pushes the boundaries of mobile photo editing. The new app version introduces an inbuilt filters store housing dozens of new photo effects. The latest version of Ultrapop considerably expands its filters collection. With new effects, Ultralab Apps went for something less screamy, yet not less outstanding. A pinch of psychedelia has been added to each pack to remain faithful to the initial concept of Ultrapop. Altogether Ultrapop 2.0 features 5 filter packs:
* Classique - a collection of psychedelic filters from Ultrapop 1.0 version, now comprising only a fraction of the overall collection
* Celestial - filters inspired by sunsets and twilights aimed to bring out the best in landscape and skyline pictures
* Synthetic - 6 fascinating filters reflecting what world would look like through pink and mint colored glasses
* Irrational - 6-filter collection comprising both acid neon and discreet photo effects
* Organic - nature tones reinterpreted in a quirky way
Ultrapop app has a growing Instagram community that serves as a tutorial and inspiration platform for the app users. Everyone interested in creative photo editing is welcome to join by following @ultrapopapp. The app will appeal to users who want their unconventional photos to create a buzz among their followers, as well as to graphic designers who can use Ultrapop for creating artwork like posters and music album covers.
Moreover, with the new store embedded in the app, photo artists out there now easily put up their own filter packs for sale. By launching the store and opening access for creative individuals to submit their art, Ultralab Apps hopes to facilitate the development of mobile photo editing community and inspire people to pursue their creative work.
Device requirements:
* iPhone, iPad and iPod touch
* Requires iOS 8.0 or later
* 10.1 MB
Pricing and Availability
Ultrapop 2.0 is free with in-app purchases for additional packs and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Photo & Video category.
Ultrapop 2.0: http://ultrapop.ultralabapps.com/
Ultrastore: http://store.ultralabapps.com
Download from iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id924427105
Instagram Gallery: https://instagram.com/ultrapopapp/
Screenshot: http://apphunters.co/ultrapop_press_kit/ultrapop_2_screnshot.PNG
App Icon: http://apphunters.co/ultrapop_press_kit/ultrapop_2_icon.PNG
Founded in 2012, Ultralab is a community of talented developers, illustrators and marketers committed to the idea of creating apps and games that inspire, empower and entertain. All Material and Software (C) Copyright 2015 Ultralab. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74919.htm
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Ultrapop 2.0 Offers New Filter Packs, Sleeker Interface and Store - Published on 05/12/15
Ultralab Apps today is happy to announce a major update of their photo editing app Ultrapop. Ultrapop can be used to recreate vaporwave, seapunk and other Internet art inspired styles in one's mobile photography. The updated version boasts a variety of new filters conveniently organized into packs, as well as totally refurbished interface. Big news is the in-built filters store that allows digital artist to submit their own filters to be featured in the app.
Minsk, Belarus - Ultralab Apps today is thrilled to announce the release of Ultrapop 2.0, a collection of acid neon filters and shapes that pushes the boundaries of mobile photo editing. The new app version introduces an inbuilt filters store housing dozens of new photo effects. The latest version of Ultrapop considerably expands its filters collection. With new effects, Ultralab Apps went for something less screamy, yet not less outstanding. A pinch of psychedelia has been added to each pack to remain faithful to the initial concept of Ultrapop. Altogether Ultrapop 2.0 features 5 filter packs:
* Classique - a collection of psychedelic filters from Ultrapop 1.0 version, now comprising only a fraction of the overall collection
* Celestial - filters inspired by sunsets and twilights aimed to bring out the best in landscape and skyline pictures
* Synthetic - 6 fascinating filters reflecting what world would look like through pink and mint colored glasses
* Irrational - 6-filter collection comprising both acid neon and discreet photo effects
* Organic - nature tones reinterpreted in a quirky way
Ultrapop app has a growing Instagram community that serves as a tutorial and inspiration platform for the app users. Everyone interested in creative photo editing is welcome to join by following @ultrapopapp. The app will appeal to users who want their unconventional photos to create a buzz among their followers, as well as to graphic designers who can use Ultrapop for creating artwork like posters and music album covers.
Moreover, with the new store embedded in the app, photo artists out there now easily put up their own filter packs for sale. By launching the store and opening access for creative individuals to submit their art, Ultralab Apps hopes to facilitate the development of mobile photo editing community and inspire people to pursue their creative work.
Device requirements:
* iPhone, iPad and iPod touch
* Requires iOS 8.0 or later
* 10.1 MB
Pricing and Availability
Ultrapop 2.0 is free with in-app purchases for additional packs and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Photo & Video category.
Ultrapop 2.0: http://ultrapop.ultralabapps.com/
Ultrastore: http://store.ultralabapps.com
Download from iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id924427105
Instagram Gallery: https://instagram.com/ultrapopapp/
Screenshot: http://apphunters.co/ultrapop_press_kit/ultrapop_2_screnshot.PNG
App Icon: http://apphunters.co/ultrapop_press_kit/ultrapop_2_icon.PNG
Founded in 2012, Ultralab is a community of talented developers, illustrators and marketers committed to the idea of creating apps and games that inspire, empower and entertain. All Material and Software (C) Copyright 2015 Ultralab. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74919.htm
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PDFExtractor - Extracts images, fonts, text, and more from PDF files
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PDFExtractor - Extracts images, fonts, text, and more from PDF files - Published on 05/12/15
Briksoftware today introduces PDFExtractor 1.0 for OS X and Windows. PDFExtractor is an utility that extracts images, fonts, text, attachments and metadata from PDF documents. The strong point of this utility is the thoroughly designed user interface which makes it extremely easy to use and can be operated with a simple drag and drop operation. The application is available as a full-featured free demo that allows the user to process the first page of each PDF document.
Rome, Italy - Briksoftware today is proud to announce the release and immediate availability of PDFExtractor 1.0 for OS X and Windows. PDFExtractor is an utility that extracts images, fonts, text, attachments and metadata from PDF documents. The strong point of this utility is the thoroughly designed user interface which makes it extremely easy to use and can be operated with a simple drag and drop operation.
PDFExtractor features:
* Extract JPG, PNG & TIFF images from PDF files and create a separate folder for them
* Extract fonts in TTF format and create a separate folder for them
* Extract attachments and create a separate folder for them
* Extract text and metadata from PDFs and save them as .txt documents
* Parallel processing of multiple PDFs at once
* Easy to use user interface
Supported Languages:
Available in English, Italian, French, Russian, German, Polish and Dutch
System requirements:
OS X 10.7.4 and later or Windows XP and later
Pricing and availability:
PDFExtractor 1.0 is available as a full-featured free demo that allows user to process the first page of each PDF document. This limit is removed by purchasing an activation code, priced $7.99 (USD).
PDFExtractor 1.0: http://pdfextractor-app.com
Download for OS X: http://pdfextractor-app.com/PDFExtractor.dmg
Download for Windows: http://pdfextractor-app.com/PDFExtractorSetup.exe
Purchase: http://pdfextractor-app.com/purchase/
Screenshot: http://pdfextractor-app.com/images/main_img.png
Application Icon: http://pdfextractor-app.com/images/logo.png
Since 2005, Briksoftware's goal is to make the Mac experience even better by focusing our development efforts on applications which will make using your Mac easier and more efficient. Briksoftware is currently formed by Michele Balistreri (Italy) and Karsten Kusche (Germany). Briksoftware's current products are PDFKey Pro, SyncChef, PDFExtractor, Camouflage and UnPlugged. All Material and Software (C) Copyright 2005-2015 Briksoftware. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, Mac OS X and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74918.htm
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PDFExtractor - Extracts images, fonts, text, and more from PDF files - Published on 05/12/15
Briksoftware today introduces PDFExtractor 1.0 for OS X and Windows. PDFExtractor is an utility that extracts images, fonts, text, attachments and metadata from PDF documents. The strong point of this utility is the thoroughly designed user interface which makes it extremely easy to use and can be operated with a simple drag and drop operation. The application is available as a full-featured free demo that allows the user to process the first page of each PDF document.
Rome, Italy - Briksoftware today is proud to announce the release and immediate availability of PDFExtractor 1.0 for OS X and Windows. PDFExtractor is an utility that extracts images, fonts, text, attachments and metadata from PDF documents. The strong point of this utility is the thoroughly designed user interface which makes it extremely easy to use and can be operated with a simple drag and drop operation.
PDFExtractor features:
* Extract JPG, PNG & TIFF images from PDF files and create a separate folder for them
* Extract fonts in TTF format and create a separate folder for them
* Extract attachments and create a separate folder for them
* Extract text and metadata from PDFs and save them as .txt documents
* Parallel processing of multiple PDFs at once
* Easy to use user interface
Supported Languages:
Available in English, Italian, French, Russian, German, Polish and Dutch
System requirements:
OS X 10.7.4 and later or Windows XP and later
Pricing and availability:
PDFExtractor 1.0 is available as a full-featured free demo that allows user to process the first page of each PDF document. This limit is removed by purchasing an activation code, priced $7.99 (USD).
PDFExtractor 1.0: http://pdfextractor-app.com
Download for OS X: http://pdfextractor-app.com/PDFExtractor.dmg
Download for Windows: http://pdfextractor-app.com/PDFExtractorSetup.exe
Purchase: http://pdfextractor-app.com/purchase/
Screenshot: http://pdfextractor-app.com/images/main_img.png
Application Icon: http://pdfextractor-app.com/images/logo.png
Since 2005, Briksoftware's goal is to make the Mac experience even better by focusing our development efforts on applications which will make using your Mac easier and more efficient. Briksoftware is currently formed by Michele Balistreri (Italy) and Karsten Kusche (Germany). Briksoftware's current products are PDFKey Pro, SyncChef, PDFExtractor, Camouflage and UnPlugged. All Material and Software (C) Copyright 2005-2015 Briksoftware. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, Mac OS X and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74918.htm
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Graphixware Releases Whole Lotta Likes For Gauging Like Appeal
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Graphixware Releases Whole Lotta Likes For Gauging Like Appeal - Published on 05/12/15
Graphixware has just released another amazing mobile product called Whole Lotta Likes. The app makes viewing your Facebook Likes simple. It provides an intuitive, easy to use set of features for seeing Likes on your status updates, photos, and videos. You can manage Facebook pages you've Liked as well, and Unlike ones you no longer follow. It's ideal for business optimization too. See how well ads, training videos, and announcements are doing and monetize posts effectively.
Chelmsford, Massachusetts - Graphixware, the iOS app studio that brought you great entertainment and productivity apps like "ScratchTones" and "What's My Login?," has just released another amazing mobile product called "Whole Lotta Likes." Whole Lotta Likes enhances your Facebook social networking experience by showing your most loved "Likes."
One of the greatest advantages to modern social networking is the ability to gauge "Like" appeal. Whether for social or business aspects, people care about their Likes! In fact, when it comes to social media, Likes mean everything.
Whole Lotta Likes makes viewing your Facebook Likes simple. It provides an intuitive, easy to use set of features for seeing Likes on your status updates, photos, and videos. You can manage Facebook pages you've Liked as well, and Unlike ones you no longer follow. It's ideal for business optimization too! See how well ads, training videos, and announcements are doing and monetize posts effectively.
It's simply the coolest statistical analysis tool available for Facebook social networking.
Got Likes? Get high on Likes!
Note: This app requires users to log into their Facebook accounts to view their statistics.
Features Include:
* Log in with your Facebook account
* View and manage Facebook pages you've Liked
* View statistics on your most Liked photos, videos, and status updates
* Share your most Liked photos and videos in new Facebook and Twitter posts
Device Requirements:
* Phone, iPad, and iPod touch
* Requires iOS 8.0 or later
* Optimized for iPhone 5, 6/6 Plus
* 3.0 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Whole Lotta Likes 1.0.0 is only $0.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Social Networking category.
Graphixware: http://www.graphixware.com
Whole Lotta Likes 1.0.0: http://www.graphixware.com/WLL
Purchase and Download: https://itunes.apple.com/app/whole-lotta-likes/id911873491
Screenshot 1: http://a1.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple5/v4/33/99/f6/3399f654-b1f7-686e-1ba5-89cd47f6ea15/screen322x572.jpeg
Screenshot 2: http://a2.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple3/v4/da/35/d5/da35d5fb-e364-824f-5eb1-096bfc2e1c83/screen322x572.jpeg
App Icon: http://a4.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple5/v4/ab/d8/8e/abd88e24-50c3-2a4a-ac15-a9b8a47888bd/icon175x175.png
Based in Chelmsford, Massachusetts, Graphixware, LLC was founded in 2011 by Charles Cocchiaro. Graphixware designs and develops mobile software applications for iOS devices. The applications are geared towards productivity, security, music, education, and social networking. Charles Cocchiaro has been designing and developing mobile, web, and desktop software applications for 30 years. All Material and Software (C) 2011-2015 Graphixware, LLC / All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPod, the iPod logo, are registered trademarks of Apple Computer in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74912.htm
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Graphixware Releases Whole Lotta Likes For Gauging Like Appeal - Published on 05/12/15
Graphixware has just released another amazing mobile product called Whole Lotta Likes. The app makes viewing your Facebook Likes simple. It provides an intuitive, easy to use set of features for seeing Likes on your status updates, photos, and videos. You can manage Facebook pages you've Liked as well, and Unlike ones you no longer follow. It's ideal for business optimization too. See how well ads, training videos, and announcements are doing and monetize posts effectively.
Chelmsford, Massachusetts - Graphixware, the iOS app studio that brought you great entertainment and productivity apps like "ScratchTones" and "What's My Login?," has just released another amazing mobile product called "Whole Lotta Likes." Whole Lotta Likes enhances your Facebook social networking experience by showing your most loved "Likes."
One of the greatest advantages to modern social networking is the ability to gauge "Like" appeal. Whether for social or business aspects, people care about their Likes! In fact, when it comes to social media, Likes mean everything.
Whole Lotta Likes makes viewing your Facebook Likes simple. It provides an intuitive, easy to use set of features for seeing Likes on your status updates, photos, and videos. You can manage Facebook pages you've Liked as well, and Unlike ones you no longer follow. It's ideal for business optimization too! See how well ads, training videos, and announcements are doing and monetize posts effectively.
It's simply the coolest statistical analysis tool available for Facebook social networking.
Got Likes? Get high on Likes!
Note: This app requires users to log into their Facebook accounts to view their statistics.
Features Include:
* Log in with your Facebook account
* View and manage Facebook pages you've Liked
* View statistics on your most Liked photos, videos, and status updates
* Share your most Liked photos and videos in new Facebook and Twitter posts
Device Requirements:
* Phone, iPad, and iPod touch
* Requires iOS 8.0 or later
* Optimized for iPhone 5, 6/6 Plus
* 3.0 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Whole Lotta Likes 1.0.0 is only $0.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Social Networking category.
Graphixware: http://www.graphixware.com
Whole Lotta Likes 1.0.0: http://www.graphixware.com/WLL
Purchase and Download: https://itunes.apple.com/app/whole-lotta-likes/id911873491
Screenshot 1: http://a1.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple5/v4/33/99/f6/3399f654-b1f7-686e-1ba5-89cd47f6ea15/screen322x572.jpeg
Screenshot 2: http://a2.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple3/v4/da/35/d5/da35d5fb-e364-824f-5eb1-096bfc2e1c83/screen322x572.jpeg
App Icon: http://a4.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple5/v4/ab/d8/8e/abd88e24-50c3-2a4a-ac15-a9b8a47888bd/icon175x175.png
Based in Chelmsford, Massachusetts, Graphixware, LLC was founded in 2011 by Charles Cocchiaro. Graphixware designs and develops mobile software applications for iOS devices. The applications are geared towards productivity, security, music, education, and social networking. Charles Cocchiaro has been designing and developing mobile, web, and desktop software applications for 30 years. All Material and Software (C) 2011-2015 Graphixware, LLC / All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPod, the iPod logo, are registered trademarks of Apple Computer in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74912.htm
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UpKeep Project Management 2.0 for iOS - With Apple Watch Support
A new article has been published at prMac.
UpKeep Project Management 2.0 for iOS - With Apple Watch Support - Published on 05/12/15
California based UpKeep Maintenance Management today announces UpKeep Project Management 2.0.5, an update to its namesake business app for iOS devices. UpKeep combines group communication and project management in one simple and beautifully designed mobile app. It is an affordable and modern way to keep track of all of your maintenance work orders, tasks, and assets all from your mobile device. Currently 100% free, version 2.0 includes Apple Watch support and a big design upgrade.
Los Angeles, California - UpKeep Maintenance Management today is proud to announce the release of UpKeep Project Management 2.0.5, an update to its namesake business app for iOS devices. UpKeep is an affordable and modern way to keep track of all of your maintenance work orders, tasks, and assets all from your mobile device. Currently 100% free, version 2.0 includes Apple Watch support and a big design upgrade.
UpKeep combines group communication and project management in one simple and beautifully designed mobile app. Using UpKeep will allow you to easily assign work orders to different users, create projects, manage a history of your assets, receive notifications, and create reports all through your mobile device.
"Standard Enterprise Asset Management software poorly utilizes the capabilities of the mobile device. Traditional data capture in the field using paper forms and manually inputting it into the EAM system often turns out to be too expensive thus impractical. UpKeep is the only mobile-first Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) / Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) tool in the market," stated Ryan Chan, founder of California based UpKeep Maintenance Management. "We hope to enable businesses with the full potential of the mobile device and bring the beautiful and elegantly designed software to the enterprise sector while designing for ease of use and user flow."
UpKeep is designed for the mobile device and for the maintenance crew who is constantly working at different sites. With UpKeep, technicians can spend more time working in the field and less time re-typing data or traveling to different sites. Field technicians now have the ability to capture more and better quality data, which leads for better analysis and asset evaluation
* Assign work orders
* Create and save tasks
* UPC Label scanning
* Create assets and assign work orders to assets
* Preview for analytical graphs
* Sync across all devices you own
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
* Requires iOS 7.1 or later
* 38.2 MB
Pricing and Availability:
UpKeep Project Management 2.0.5 is currently Free and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Business category.
UpKeep Project Management 2.0.5: http://www.onupkeep.com/
Download from iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/app/upkeep-maintenance-management/id921799415
Screenshot: http://a1.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple3/v4/49/88/b5/4988b560-49a0-0c53-74e2-0fc86a393c40/screen480x480.jpeg
App Icon: http://a3.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple6/v4/ce/6a/c7/ce6ac767-28fb-d9c5-3c43-7f6214bfdc94/icon175x175.png
UpKeep Maintenance Management is headquartered in Los Angeles, California and serves the global business community. UpKeep was founded by Ryan Chan who previously worked in chemical manufacturing and was frustrated by the poor software choices for businesses to keep track of their assets. He wanted to build an affordable and modern solution to task management and thus UpKeep was born. All Material and Software (C) Copyright 2015 UpKeep Maintenance Management. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74908.htm
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UpKeep Project Management 2.0 for iOS - With Apple Watch Support - Published on 05/12/15
California based UpKeep Maintenance Management today announces UpKeep Project Management 2.0.5, an update to its namesake business app for iOS devices. UpKeep combines group communication and project management in one simple and beautifully designed mobile app. It is an affordable and modern way to keep track of all of your maintenance work orders, tasks, and assets all from your mobile device. Currently 100% free, version 2.0 includes Apple Watch support and a big design upgrade.
Los Angeles, California - UpKeep Maintenance Management today is proud to announce the release of UpKeep Project Management 2.0.5, an update to its namesake business app for iOS devices. UpKeep is an affordable and modern way to keep track of all of your maintenance work orders, tasks, and assets all from your mobile device. Currently 100% free, version 2.0 includes Apple Watch support and a big design upgrade.
UpKeep combines group communication and project management in one simple and beautifully designed mobile app. Using UpKeep will allow you to easily assign work orders to different users, create projects, manage a history of your assets, receive notifications, and create reports all through your mobile device.
"Standard Enterprise Asset Management software poorly utilizes the capabilities of the mobile device. Traditional data capture in the field using paper forms and manually inputting it into the EAM system often turns out to be too expensive thus impractical. UpKeep is the only mobile-first Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) / Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) tool in the market," stated Ryan Chan, founder of California based UpKeep Maintenance Management. "We hope to enable businesses with the full potential of the mobile device and bring the beautiful and elegantly designed software to the enterprise sector while designing for ease of use and user flow."
UpKeep is designed for the mobile device and for the maintenance crew who is constantly working at different sites. With UpKeep, technicians can spend more time working in the field and less time re-typing data or traveling to different sites. Field technicians now have the ability to capture more and better quality data, which leads for better analysis and asset evaluation
* Assign work orders
* Create and save tasks
* UPC Label scanning
* Create assets and assign work orders to assets
* Preview for analytical graphs
* Sync across all devices you own
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
* Requires iOS 7.1 or later
* 38.2 MB
Pricing and Availability:
UpKeep Project Management 2.0.5 is currently Free and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Business category.
UpKeep Project Management 2.0.5: http://www.onupkeep.com/
Download from iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/app/upkeep-maintenance-management/id921799415
Screenshot: http://a1.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple3/v4/49/88/b5/4988b560-49a0-0c53-74e2-0fc86a393c40/screen480x480.jpeg
App Icon: http://a3.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple6/v4/ce/6a/c7/ce6ac767-28fb-d9c5-3c43-7f6214bfdc94/icon175x175.png
UpKeep Maintenance Management is headquartered in Los Angeles, California and serves the global business community. UpKeep was founded by Ryan Chan who previously worked in chemical manufacturing and was frustrated by the poor software choices for businesses to keep track of their assets. He wanted to build an affordable and modern solution to task management and thus UpKeep was born. All Material and Software (C) Copyright 2015 UpKeep Maintenance Management. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74908.htm
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Create Booklet 1.1 � Print a Booklet on Any Printer
A new article has been published at prMac.
Create Booklet 1.1 � Print a Booklet on Any Printer - Published on 05/12/15
TheKeptPromise has announced the release of Create Booklet 1.1 for the Mac, an update to their app and PDF service that easily allows users to create a booklet from almost anything from almost anywhere. Create Booklet puts your pages side by side re-sorted for booklet printing, no matter which printer you own! Now the app has become even easier, yet more powerful to use. Create Booklet's new Manual Duplex feature allows using a non-duplex printer by printing the odd and even pages separately.
Ratingen, Germany - Ratingen, Germany - TheKeptPromise is pleased to announce the release of Create Booklet 1.1 for the Mac, an update to their app and PDF service that easily allows you to create a booklet from almost anything from almost anywhere. Create Booklet is the standard solution for creating booklets since 2005, with over 100,000 users. Now it has become even easier and yet more powerful to use.
Create Booklet 1.1 is the first App to allow printing booklets on any printer. A quick manual-duplex-test allows Create Booklet figure out how the paper travels through your printer. With the gained information, it prints first the odd pages, then let's you put back the paper in the input tray (it tells you which way � don't worry) and then prints the even pages. All pages will be perfectly sorted when all is done. Not magic � just Create Booklet.
Your life will become easier for just the price of a single cup of good coffee. You get a complete solution to save a lot of paper (and thus the rain forest) and comfortably read booklets � instead of having to handle stacks of papers.
* Manual Duplex: You don't have a duplex printer? Then this is the App for you!
* Create a booklet from any app: Open Create Booklet directly from the print panel
* Direct PDF editing: Add Empty pages, Add images, Add complete PDFs, Reorder pages, Remove unneeded pages
* Save a booklet to a new PDF
* Instantly print form Create Booklet
* Select output print format and orientation
* Fine adjust and layout your PDF to the final output size using zoom and position setting
* Reverse booklet page order (allows right to left documents usage!)
* Split thick booklets into multiple thin ones
* Easily find booklet splits: Create Booklet adds an empty page in between!
* Easily staple booklets: Create Booklet adds staple marks on first and last page
There are more Features to Come: Next: Manual Duplex � For users with a normal non-duplex printer.
Our customers love Create Booklet:
�OMG! This is about the best and most valuable utility I have found in a loooong time. Finally I can create and print booklets from within Quark XPress without having to pay a fortune for their Printcollection XTension. Thank you so much!!!� � Guido Henkel
�Wow. I wish this existed years ago, or that I'd known about it. I've just used CreateBooklet to make the first ever books for the Bumthang people in their own language. Thank YOU.� � Mark
�THANK YOU for Create Booklet! I have used it several times now to print out playbills for my children's various school plays, and it has been an absolute lifesaver. [�]� � William W. Lin
�I was desperately looking for a quick and easy way of making a Christmas Carol booklet. I came across this site, and it was almost like a Christmas miracle ;-) Thanks so much for making and sharing Create Booklet. It works perfectly and really helped me out.� � Dan
�This software helps me to overcome the shortcomings of my printer driver. [�]� � H
�[�] This Create booklet may just save my wedding :) [�]� � Tim
�Create Booklet is simply amazing. Drop dead simple to use, and the results are perfect.� � Nate
�Thank you SO MUCH - this program is a life-saver. Or at least a hair-saver, because I was about ready to pull mine out! Thank you!� � Linda Lewis
�Wow. That you so much. My printer is supposed to be able to do this automatically but the Mac driver doesn't work properly. This fixes that problem! Thank you!� � Alex
�WOW!!! Thank you so much - entered a new world of printing.� � Patrick
Why Create Booklet? Any booklet is just a click away thanks to Create Booklet. It's that easy! It's a booklet, that means its fun to hold and read, it saves paper, and that way you're protecting the rainforest (uses only a 1/4 of the paper of a typical print). It's productive, Create Booklet is where you need it � right in the print dialog of any app (respects copyright protection). It's blazing fast, any booklet is created in seconds.
System Requirements:
* OS X 10.7 or later
* 64-bit processor
* 5.7MB
Pricing and Availability:
Create Booklet 1.1 is $9.99 and is available worldwide, exclusively in the Mac App Store in the Utilities category.
TheKeptPromise: http://thekeptpromise.com/TheKeptPromise/
Create Booklet 1.1: http://CreateBooklet.TheKeptPromise.com
Purchase and Download: https://itunes.apple.com/app/create-booklet/id943029046
Screenshot 1: http://thekeptpromise.com/CreateBooklet/images/En_Screen1.jpg
Screenshot 2: http://thekeptpromise.com/CreateBooklet/images/En_Screen2.jpg
App Icon: http://a4.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple7/v4/4b/f3/27/4bf3278c-a3a8-bb58-8050-fa98caf19a33/icon256.png
TheKeptPromise creates software that lives up to its promise. The company develops solutions in those areas they feel the customer needs are not met. TheKeptPromise is a start up of award winning professionals who have published scientific papers, have had photos selected by National Geographic, 1px and more. All Material and Software (C) Copyright 2015 TheKeptPromise. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh and Mac OS X are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74911.htm
Note that you can alter delivered distributions at any time.
Login to your account on prMac to alter your channel selection, or to opt-out at any time.
Create Booklet 1.1 � Print a Booklet on Any Printer - Published on 05/12/15
TheKeptPromise has announced the release of Create Booklet 1.1 for the Mac, an update to their app and PDF service that easily allows users to create a booklet from almost anything from almost anywhere. Create Booklet puts your pages side by side re-sorted for booklet printing, no matter which printer you own! Now the app has become even easier, yet more powerful to use. Create Booklet's new Manual Duplex feature allows using a non-duplex printer by printing the odd and even pages separately.
Ratingen, Germany - Ratingen, Germany - TheKeptPromise is pleased to announce the release of Create Booklet 1.1 for the Mac, an update to their app and PDF service that easily allows you to create a booklet from almost anything from almost anywhere. Create Booklet is the standard solution for creating booklets since 2005, with over 100,000 users. Now it has become even easier and yet more powerful to use.
Create Booklet 1.1 is the first App to allow printing booklets on any printer. A quick manual-duplex-test allows Create Booklet figure out how the paper travels through your printer. With the gained information, it prints first the odd pages, then let's you put back the paper in the input tray (it tells you which way � don't worry) and then prints the even pages. All pages will be perfectly sorted when all is done. Not magic � just Create Booklet.
Your life will become easier for just the price of a single cup of good coffee. You get a complete solution to save a lot of paper (and thus the rain forest) and comfortably read booklets � instead of having to handle stacks of papers.
* Manual Duplex: You don't have a duplex printer? Then this is the App for you!
* Create a booklet from any app: Open Create Booklet directly from the print panel
* Direct PDF editing: Add Empty pages, Add images, Add complete PDFs, Reorder pages, Remove unneeded pages
* Save a booklet to a new PDF
* Instantly print form Create Booklet
* Select output print format and orientation
* Fine adjust and layout your PDF to the final output size using zoom and position setting
* Reverse booklet page order (allows right to left documents usage!)
* Split thick booklets into multiple thin ones
* Easily find booklet splits: Create Booklet adds an empty page in between!
* Easily staple booklets: Create Booklet adds staple marks on first and last page
There are more Features to Come: Next: Manual Duplex � For users with a normal non-duplex printer.
Our customers love Create Booklet:
�OMG! This is about the best and most valuable utility I have found in a loooong time. Finally I can create and print booklets from within Quark XPress without having to pay a fortune for their Printcollection XTension. Thank you so much!!!� � Guido Henkel
�Wow. I wish this existed years ago, or that I'd known about it. I've just used CreateBooklet to make the first ever books for the Bumthang people in their own language. Thank YOU.� � Mark
�THANK YOU for Create Booklet! I have used it several times now to print out playbills for my children's various school plays, and it has been an absolute lifesaver. [�]� � William W. Lin
�I was desperately looking for a quick and easy way of making a Christmas Carol booklet. I came across this site, and it was almost like a Christmas miracle ;-) Thanks so much for making and sharing Create Booklet. It works perfectly and really helped me out.� � Dan
�This software helps me to overcome the shortcomings of my printer driver. [�]� � H
�[�] This Create booklet may just save my wedding :) [�]� � Tim
�Create Booklet is simply amazing. Drop dead simple to use, and the results are perfect.� � Nate
�Thank you SO MUCH - this program is a life-saver. Or at least a hair-saver, because I was about ready to pull mine out! Thank you!� � Linda Lewis
�Wow. That you so much. My printer is supposed to be able to do this automatically but the Mac driver doesn't work properly. This fixes that problem! Thank you!� � Alex
�WOW!!! Thank you so much - entered a new world of printing.� � Patrick
Why Create Booklet? Any booklet is just a click away thanks to Create Booklet. It's that easy! It's a booklet, that means its fun to hold and read, it saves paper, and that way you're protecting the rainforest (uses only a 1/4 of the paper of a typical print). It's productive, Create Booklet is where you need it � right in the print dialog of any app (respects copyright protection). It's blazing fast, any booklet is created in seconds.
System Requirements:
* OS X 10.7 or later
* 64-bit processor
* 5.7MB
Pricing and Availability:
Create Booklet 1.1 is $9.99 and is available worldwide, exclusively in the Mac App Store in the Utilities category.
TheKeptPromise: http://thekeptpromise.com/TheKeptPromise/
Create Booklet 1.1: http://CreateBooklet.TheKeptPromise.com
Purchase and Download: https://itunes.apple.com/app/create-booklet/id943029046
Screenshot 1: http://thekeptpromise.com/CreateBooklet/images/En_Screen1.jpg
Screenshot 2: http://thekeptpromise.com/CreateBooklet/images/En_Screen2.jpg
App Icon: http://a4.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple7/v4/4b/f3/27/4bf3278c-a3a8-bb58-8050-fa98caf19a33/icon256.png
TheKeptPromise creates software that lives up to its promise. The company develops solutions in those areas they feel the customer needs are not met. TheKeptPromise is a start up of award winning professionals who have published scientific papers, have had photos selected by National Geographic, 1px and more. All Material and Software (C) Copyright 2015 TheKeptPromise. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh and Mac OS X are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74911.htm
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Login to your account on prMac to alter your channel selection, or to opt-out at any time.
Guide to Apple Watch - Buyer's Guide eBook Released
A new article has been published at prMac.
Guide to Apple Watch - Buyer's Guide eBook Released - Published on 05/12/15
UK based Stopframe today releases Guide to Apple Watch, a brand new eBook available in the iBookstore that reveals everything you need to know about Apple Watch, from its hardware specifications to the in-built apps that you'll be using on a day-to-day basis. Written by bestselling author T A Rudderham, it's the perfect buyer's guide to anyone who wishes to find out more about Apple Watch. It's packed with in-depth tutorials and concise knowledge that reveal a wealth of secrets.
Bournemouth, United Kingdom - Stopframe has released Guide to Apple Watch, a brand new eBook available in the iBookstore that reveals everything you need to know about Apple Watch, from its hardware specifications to the in-built apps that you'll be using on a day-to-day basis. Written by bestselling author T A Rudderham, and priced just $2.99, it's the perfect buyer's guide to anyone who wishes to find out more about Apple Watch.
Apple Watch is an incredible timekeeping device, made from the most beautiful elements known to man, and fashioned with a precise finish staggering to behold. But it also contains some amazing new technologies, such as haptic feedback, a flexible Retina display, the Digital Crown and a heart rate monitor. All of this technology is contained in a minute device that learns your daily routine, monitors your health and lets you stay in touch with friends and family like never before.
This eBook by the expert team at Stopframe reveals everything you need to know about Apple Watch. It's the ultimate guide to this amazing new device, and it's packed with in-depth tutorials and concise knowledge that reveal a wealth of secrets. You'll learn how to use the operating system that powers Apple Watch, customize notifications, use its in-built apps and so much more; making this the perfect guide for every Apple Watch owner.
Device Requirements:
* Available on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Mac:
* iOS device with iBooks 1.5 or later and iOS 4.3.3 or later
* Mac with iBooks 1.0 or later and OS X 10.9 or later
* Print Length: 157 Pages
Pricing and Availability:
Guide to Apple Watch is $2.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Computers category.
Stopframe: http://www.stopframe.co.uk/
Guide to Apple Watch: https://itunes.apple.com/book/guide-to-apple-watch/id992548998
Image (Book Cover): http://www.stopframe.co.uk/files/Guide_to_Apple_Watch_Cover.jpg
Screenshots (zip): http://www.stopframe.co.uk/files/guide_to_apple_watch_screenshots.zip
Launched in 2013, Stopframe publishes eBooks and interactive apps that teach users how to use their iOS devices. Stopframe's most notable books to date include iPad Air Guide, The Complete Guide to iOS 7 and iPhone 6 Guide. Copyright (C) 2015 Stopframe. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74901.htm
Note that you can alter delivered distributions at any time.
Login to your account on prMac to alter your channel selection, or to opt-out at any time.
Guide to Apple Watch - Buyer's Guide eBook Released - Published on 05/12/15
UK based Stopframe today releases Guide to Apple Watch, a brand new eBook available in the iBookstore that reveals everything you need to know about Apple Watch, from its hardware specifications to the in-built apps that you'll be using on a day-to-day basis. Written by bestselling author T A Rudderham, it's the perfect buyer's guide to anyone who wishes to find out more about Apple Watch. It's packed with in-depth tutorials and concise knowledge that reveal a wealth of secrets.
Bournemouth, United Kingdom - Stopframe has released Guide to Apple Watch, a brand new eBook available in the iBookstore that reveals everything you need to know about Apple Watch, from its hardware specifications to the in-built apps that you'll be using on a day-to-day basis. Written by bestselling author T A Rudderham, and priced just $2.99, it's the perfect buyer's guide to anyone who wishes to find out more about Apple Watch.
Apple Watch is an incredible timekeeping device, made from the most beautiful elements known to man, and fashioned with a precise finish staggering to behold. But it also contains some amazing new technologies, such as haptic feedback, a flexible Retina display, the Digital Crown and a heart rate monitor. All of this technology is contained in a minute device that learns your daily routine, monitors your health and lets you stay in touch with friends and family like never before.
This eBook by the expert team at Stopframe reveals everything you need to know about Apple Watch. It's the ultimate guide to this amazing new device, and it's packed with in-depth tutorials and concise knowledge that reveal a wealth of secrets. You'll learn how to use the operating system that powers Apple Watch, customize notifications, use its in-built apps and so much more; making this the perfect guide for every Apple Watch owner.
Device Requirements:
* Available on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Mac:
* iOS device with iBooks 1.5 or later and iOS 4.3.3 or later
* Mac with iBooks 1.0 or later and OS X 10.9 or later
* Print Length: 157 Pages
Pricing and Availability:
Guide to Apple Watch is $2.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Computers category.
Stopframe: http://www.stopframe.co.uk/
Guide to Apple Watch: https://itunes.apple.com/book/guide-to-apple-watch/id992548998
Image (Book Cover): http://www.stopframe.co.uk/files/Guide_to_Apple_Watch_Cover.jpg
Screenshots (zip): http://www.stopframe.co.uk/files/guide_to_apple_watch_screenshots.zip
Launched in 2013, Stopframe publishes eBooks and interactive apps that teach users how to use their iOS devices. Stopframe's most notable books to date include iPad Air Guide, The Complete Guide to iOS 7 and iPhone 6 Guide. Copyright (C) 2015 Stopframe. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74901.htm
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MailTamer set Free for first and limited time as Spring Cleaning special
A new article has been published at prMac.
MailTamer set Free for first and limited time as Spring Cleaning special - Published on 05/12/15
Husband and wife dynamic duo, Scott and Ria Greiff today announce that MailTamer 2.3.2 is now free. This popular mobile mail utility will now cost you nothing to quickly slice & dice your way through your inbox. The unique sender, contact and recipient-based views, along with chronological and message-size views help organize your Inbox. With a single swipe and tap, emails can be deleted, copied or moved en-masse. MailTamer makes email simple, making it easier for you to get that Inbox to zero.
Columbus, Ohio - Husband and wife dynamic duo, Scott and Ria Greiff today are pleased to announce that MailTamer 2.3.2 is now free. This popular mobile mail utility will now cost you nothing to quickly slice and dice your way through your inbox. The unique sender, contact and recipient-based views, along with chronological and message-size views help organize your Inbox. With a single swipe and tap, emails can be deleted, copied or moved en-masse. MailTamer makes email simple, making it easier for you to get that Inbox to zero.
"We released MailTamer in May of 2012. I thought for sure we would be millionaires overnight. Ha!" explained Ria Greiff. "Almost three years later we struggle with getting people to notice our app. In the beginning, I tapped local outlets and we got some press. But after I had called in all my favors, and had something for the "press" part of our website, still nothing was happening. So I started to knock on the doors of the tech bloggers. I paid for press releases and even got a mention in lifehacker. Hooray. But again, that died down and not one tech blogger looked at my app. I have sent out countless promo codes to no avail."
"It was very frustrating," Ria continued. "Then, my husband sent me this: 'How I got 2.3 million app downloads (without spending a cent on marketing)'. The story of Stuart K. Hall on how an app he built in 6 hours got 2.3 million downloads, generated a full-time salary and was acquired after 18 months. It was originally a 5 part series on his Blog at Stuart K Hall titled An App Store Experiment. Basically this guy, let's call him Stuart Genius decided to do an experiment and set his App, The 7 Minute Workout, free. Long story short, he ended up making 72k, and 2.3 million downloads without spending more than a few hours and zero dollars to do it. I have been toiling away and so has Scott and after shaking our heads over it we have decided to do the same. So, @stuartkhall, we are doing the same. When our new release comes out, we are setting MailTamer free!"
MailTamer supports POP and IMAP mail protocols. Microsoft Exchange servers must have the IMAP protocol enabled in order to use MailTamer with those servers. Numerous views to quickly sort through inundated inboxes. Sender, Recipient, Contact, Size and (the traditional) Date views let you see your mail in new ways. With a quick swipe and a tap, you can delete, move, copy email, respond to a sender and even create a contact on your phone from the sender's information. See the big picture of your inbox all the way down to detail of a single message with a couple of taps.
"I had a problem with excessive emails that had taken over my life as a professor, model and mother," explained Ria Greiff, co-CEO. "When I complained to Scott about the lack of time to tame my inbox while I was trying to tame kids and work responsibilities, we came up with the idea of creating an app to help get control of all those rogue emails. Scott, a lead software developer used his design and technical skills to develop MailTamer to help people find the Zen of a Zero Inbox."
Today Scott continues to add features and Ria continues to advocate for those who are bogged down with an overloaded inbox. Scott is currently working on expanding MailTamer features, porting it to Mac and soon to be developed new app which takes GTD to yet another game-changing level. Scott and Ria have been hailed as Innovators both in magazine publications, radio programs and tech awards. On any given night, you can find Scott and Ria working hard to get the word out to people and dreaming up ways of making life easier for everyone.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
* Optimized for iPhone 5, iPhone 6/6 Plus
* Requires iOS 8.0 or later
* 12.6 MB
Pricing and Availability:
For a limited time, MailTamer 2.3.2 is currently Free (Reg $2.99) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Productivity category.
MailTamer 2.3.2: http://www.mailtamerapp.com/
Download from iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/app/mailtamer/id526936495
Screenshot: http://a4.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple3/v4/8d/32/76/8d32764f-6ab2-62ab-b082-c155fac1169a/screen480x480.jpeg
App Icon: http://a1.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple7/v4/a6/7a/e5/a67ae546-cef3-fc87-2140-cbf7744b6808/icon175x175.png
Scott and Ria Greiff are a husband and wife dynamic duo who work together, play together, raise three children and two cats together in a civic-minded community called Clintonville in Columbus, Ohio. Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Scott and Ria Greiff. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74909.htm
Note that you can alter delivered distributions at any time.
Login to your account on prMac to alter your channel selection, or to opt-out at any time.
MailTamer set Free for first and limited time as Spring Cleaning special - Published on 05/12/15
Husband and wife dynamic duo, Scott and Ria Greiff today announce that MailTamer 2.3.2 is now free. This popular mobile mail utility will now cost you nothing to quickly slice & dice your way through your inbox. The unique sender, contact and recipient-based views, along with chronological and message-size views help organize your Inbox. With a single swipe and tap, emails can be deleted, copied or moved en-masse. MailTamer makes email simple, making it easier for you to get that Inbox to zero.
Columbus, Ohio - Husband and wife dynamic duo, Scott and Ria Greiff today are pleased to announce that MailTamer 2.3.2 is now free. This popular mobile mail utility will now cost you nothing to quickly slice and dice your way through your inbox. The unique sender, contact and recipient-based views, along with chronological and message-size views help organize your Inbox. With a single swipe and tap, emails can be deleted, copied or moved en-masse. MailTamer makes email simple, making it easier for you to get that Inbox to zero.
"We released MailTamer in May of 2012. I thought for sure we would be millionaires overnight. Ha!" explained Ria Greiff. "Almost three years later we struggle with getting people to notice our app. In the beginning, I tapped local outlets and we got some press. But after I had called in all my favors, and had something for the "press" part of our website, still nothing was happening. So I started to knock on the doors of the tech bloggers. I paid for press releases and even got a mention in lifehacker. Hooray. But again, that died down and not one tech blogger looked at my app. I have sent out countless promo codes to no avail."
"It was very frustrating," Ria continued. "Then, my husband sent me this: 'How I got 2.3 million app downloads (without spending a cent on marketing)'. The story of Stuart K. Hall on how an app he built in 6 hours got 2.3 million downloads, generated a full-time salary and was acquired after 18 months. It was originally a 5 part series on his Blog at Stuart K Hall titled An App Store Experiment. Basically this guy, let's call him Stuart Genius decided to do an experiment and set his App, The 7 Minute Workout, free. Long story short, he ended up making 72k, and 2.3 million downloads without spending more than a few hours and zero dollars to do it. I have been toiling away and so has Scott and after shaking our heads over it we have decided to do the same. So, @stuartkhall, we are doing the same. When our new release comes out, we are setting MailTamer free!"
MailTamer supports POP and IMAP mail protocols. Microsoft Exchange servers must have the IMAP protocol enabled in order to use MailTamer with those servers. Numerous views to quickly sort through inundated inboxes. Sender, Recipient, Contact, Size and (the traditional) Date views let you see your mail in new ways. With a quick swipe and a tap, you can delete, move, copy email, respond to a sender and even create a contact on your phone from the sender's information. See the big picture of your inbox all the way down to detail of a single message with a couple of taps.
"I had a problem with excessive emails that had taken over my life as a professor, model and mother," explained Ria Greiff, co-CEO. "When I complained to Scott about the lack of time to tame my inbox while I was trying to tame kids and work responsibilities, we came up with the idea of creating an app to help get control of all those rogue emails. Scott, a lead software developer used his design and technical skills to develop MailTamer to help people find the Zen of a Zero Inbox."
Today Scott continues to add features and Ria continues to advocate for those who are bogged down with an overloaded inbox. Scott is currently working on expanding MailTamer features, porting it to Mac and soon to be developed new app which takes GTD to yet another game-changing level. Scott and Ria have been hailed as Innovators both in magazine publications, radio programs and tech awards. On any given night, you can find Scott and Ria working hard to get the word out to people and dreaming up ways of making life easier for everyone.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
* Optimized for iPhone 5, iPhone 6/6 Plus
* Requires iOS 8.0 or later
* 12.6 MB
Pricing and Availability:
For a limited time, MailTamer 2.3.2 is currently Free (Reg $2.99) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Productivity category.
MailTamer 2.3.2: http://www.mailtamerapp.com/
Download from iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/app/mailtamer/id526936495
Screenshot: http://a4.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple3/v4/8d/32/76/8d32764f-6ab2-62ab-b082-c155fac1169a/screen480x480.jpeg
App Icon: http://a1.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple7/v4/a6/7a/e5/a67ae546-cef3-fc87-2140-cbf7744b6808/icon175x175.png
Scott and Ria Greiff are a husband and wife dynamic duo who work together, play together, raise three children and two cats together in a civic-minded community called Clintonville in Columbus, Ohio. Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Scott and Ria Greiff. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74909.htm
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MileBug 3.1 for iOS adds Push Notifications and Cloud Stability
A new article has been published at prMac.
MileBug 3.1 for iOS adds Push Notifications and Cloud Stability - Published on 05/12/15
Izatt Apps today announces MileBug 3.1, an update to their popular GPS mile tracker for iOS, Android and Windows Phone. Perfect for the mobile professional and entrepreneur, MileBug is a beautiful GPS mile tracker app that makes it easy to track your tax-deductible mileage on your mobile device. Version 3.1 for iOS adds Push Notifications and brings greater stability to the MileBug Cloud, a cloud solution that will allow iOS and Android devices to share and sync data.
American Fork, Utah - Izatt Apps today is proud to announced the 3.1 release of its flagship app, MileBug - Mileage Log, which adds Push Notifications and a bit of polish to the new MileBug Cloud and updated UI. MileBug Cloud is not iCloud, but a Parse cloud solution that will allow iOS and Android devices to share and sync data. While iOS is first, Android will soon follow.
MileBug Cloud is available as a $.99 (USD) In-App Purchase. The user then creates a MileBug Cloud account which can be accessed on any other supported device at no additional charge.
The benefits of MileBug Cloud include:
1) Data Backup and Storage
2) Data syncing across multiple devices (e.g. iPhone and iPad)
3) Data sharing between spouses or business partners
4) Changing phones (eventually even iOS to Android, and vice versa)
MileBug is a beautiful mile tracker app that makes it easy to track your tax-deductible mileage on your iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad devices. This next great addition of the MileBug Cloud will provide data storage, data syncing, and cross-platform data sharing.
MileBug first hit the Apple App Store in August 2008. At the time, MileBug was one of less than 2700 apps in the store. By January 2010 it had risen to be a Top 10 Finance app, where it has regularly appeared since. In January 2014, MileBug hit the #1 Finance spot for the first time and has returned there multiple times since, including twice this month.
Pricing and Availability:
MileBug - Mileage Log & Expense Tracker for Tax Deduction 3.1 is $2.99 (USD) and available worldwide through the Apple App Store in the Finance category, Google Play in Finance, and the Windows Marketplace in Business.
MileBug 3.1: http://milebug.com/
Purchase and Download (iOS): https://itunes.apple.com/app/milebug-mileage-log-expense/id288376848
Purchase and Download (Android): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.izatt.milebug
Purchase and Download (Windows Phone): http://www.windowsphone.com/en-US/apps/6f849fcc-7456-4b99-87a0-0ca8bebad48b
Screenshot (MileBug Cloud): http://milebug.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/cloud-iphone5-ad.png
App Icon: http://milebug.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/milebug.1024x1024.png
Izatt International is a mobile application (iOS, Android) development company in American Fork, UT. Izatt develops applications internally and accepts outside development projects. Copyright 2008-2015 Izatt International. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and iPad Mini are registered trademarks of Apple Computer in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74900.htm
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MileBug 3.1 for iOS adds Push Notifications and Cloud Stability - Published on 05/12/15
Izatt Apps today announces MileBug 3.1, an update to their popular GPS mile tracker for iOS, Android and Windows Phone. Perfect for the mobile professional and entrepreneur, MileBug is a beautiful GPS mile tracker app that makes it easy to track your tax-deductible mileage on your mobile device. Version 3.1 for iOS adds Push Notifications and brings greater stability to the MileBug Cloud, a cloud solution that will allow iOS and Android devices to share and sync data.
American Fork, Utah - Izatt Apps today is proud to announced the 3.1 release of its flagship app, MileBug - Mileage Log, which adds Push Notifications and a bit of polish to the new MileBug Cloud and updated UI. MileBug Cloud is not iCloud, but a Parse cloud solution that will allow iOS and Android devices to share and sync data. While iOS is first, Android will soon follow.
MileBug Cloud is available as a $.99 (USD) In-App Purchase. The user then creates a MileBug Cloud account which can be accessed on any other supported device at no additional charge.
The benefits of MileBug Cloud include:
1) Data Backup and Storage
2) Data syncing across multiple devices (e.g. iPhone and iPad)
3) Data sharing between spouses or business partners
4) Changing phones (eventually even iOS to Android, and vice versa)
MileBug is a beautiful mile tracker app that makes it easy to track your tax-deductible mileage on your iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad devices. This next great addition of the MileBug Cloud will provide data storage, data syncing, and cross-platform data sharing.
MileBug first hit the Apple App Store in August 2008. At the time, MileBug was one of less than 2700 apps in the store. By January 2010 it had risen to be a Top 10 Finance app, where it has regularly appeared since. In January 2014, MileBug hit the #1 Finance spot for the first time and has returned there multiple times since, including twice this month.
Pricing and Availability:
MileBug - Mileage Log & Expense Tracker for Tax Deduction 3.1 is $2.99 (USD) and available worldwide through the Apple App Store in the Finance category, Google Play in Finance, and the Windows Marketplace in Business.
MileBug 3.1: http://milebug.com/
Purchase and Download (iOS): https://itunes.apple.com/app/milebug-mileage-log-expense/id288376848
Purchase and Download (Android): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.izatt.milebug
Purchase and Download (Windows Phone): http://www.windowsphone.com/en-US/apps/6f849fcc-7456-4b99-87a0-0ca8bebad48b
Screenshot (MileBug Cloud): http://milebug.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/cloud-iphone5-ad.png
App Icon: http://milebug.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/milebug.1024x1024.png
Izatt International is a mobile application (iOS, Android) development company in American Fork, UT. Izatt develops applications internally and accepts outside development projects. Copyright 2008-2015 Izatt International. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and iPad Mini are registered trademarks of Apple Computer in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74900.htm
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DFX Version 2.0 Is Now Fully Midi-Compatible
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DFX Version 2.0 Is Now Fully Midi-Compatible - Published on 05/12/15
Paris based Fingerlab today announces DFX - Digital Multi-FX 2.0, an important update to their wildly popular real-time quad multi-effects processor for iPad. Plug in any audio source. Select one, two, three or four effects amongst 35 hi-quality digital audio effects and explore endless sonic possibilities. Version 2.0 is now fully Midi compatible and works with any Midi controller or keyboard. Plug your controller and drive any button or fader directly from DFX. Simple, intuitive and fun!
Paris, France - Fingerlab today is proud to announce the release of DFX - Digital Multi-FX 2.0, an important update to their wildly popular real-time quad multi-effects processor for iPad. Simple, intuitive and fun, with no user guide required, DFX features an intuitive and beautiful user interface for easy playability and instant fun. DFX version 2.0 is now fully Midi compatible and works with any Midi controller or keyboard. Plug your controller and drive any button or fader directly from DFX.
Plug in any audio source, a guitar, a bass, a microphone, a DJ mixer. Or play your favorite iOS synth or drum machine with Audiobus or Apple Inter-App Audio. Or why not playing a track from your iTunes Music Library? Or even more just use one of the built-in tone synthesizers. Select one, two, three or four effects amongst 35 hi-quality digital audio effects and explore endless sonic possibilities. Delays, echos, reverbs, filters, tremolo, autowah, compressors, distortions, vocoders, resonators, with more possibilities than you can imagine. Expand your sonic world to new frontiers:
* 10 effect categories
* Delays: Sync Delay, Ping Pong, Tape Delay
* Reverbs: Metal box, Hall, Descent, Reflections, Freeze,
* Filters: High Pass, Low Pass, High Shelf, Low Shelf
* Phase: Phase Flux, Vibe Chorus, Phase Shift
* Modulation: Wave Tremolo, AutoWah, Envelope Follower, Ring Modulator
* Distortion: Wave Shaper, Bias, Raw, Bit Crusher, Synthizer
* Voice FX: Vocoder, Resonator, Formant Simulator
* Pan: Stereolizer, AutoPan, Leslie
* Dynamics: Noise Gate, Compressor
* Instruments: High Tone Synth, Bass Tone Synth
* Audiobus compatible
* Audio Inter-App compatible
* 4 playable trackpads with real-time waveforms
* Live Effect Swapping
* Live recording
* Recordings manager
* Recordings exporter
* Built-in Countdown
* Built-in Tone Synths (high and bass)
* Built-in Output Limiter for a controlled output
* Built-in Metronome
* Tempo Synced animations
* Effect Solo Mode
* iTunes playback
* Presets Manager (factory & user)
* Fullscreen Favorite Presets for fast live access
"We are curious. We like new experiences. We welcome unexpected discoveries. And we are musicians," said Antoine Lepoutre, co-founder of Paris based Fingerlab SARL. "It therefore was an obvious choice for us to develop for the iPad the multi-effects that we wanted, that we needed for our thirst for sound. Four powerful and multipurpose chained effects, driven by trackpads for fast and easy sonic explorations. Like a million of pedal boards on a device. We are indie developers and our goal is to create the greatest user experience for mobile devices. We are driven by our passions: creatIng music, making photography and playing video games. Enjoy!"
Device Requirements:
* Compatible with iPad
* Requires iOS 7.0 or later
* 21.7 MB
Pricing and Availability:
DFX - Digital Multi-FX 2.0 is $3.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Music category.
Fingerlab: http://fingerlab.net
DFX - Digital Multi-FX 2.0: http://fingerlab.net/portfolio/dfx
Purchase and Download: https://itunes.apple.com/app/dfx-digital-multi-fx/id921970043
YouTube Video (Demo): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95ZEjpw8IVo
Based in Paris, France, FingerLab is an independent app development and publishing studio which was established in the year 2010. Fingerlab is fuelled by the passions and multiple and mixed skills of its three core members and recurrent collaborators like Jonas Errikson. In 2012, it won the Apple Design Award for its DM1-The Drum Machine, as well as featured in the iTunes App Store in several categories including Best of 2013 (Music), App of the Week, and Hall of Fame. All Material and Software (C) Copyright 2010-2015 Fingerlab SARL. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74897.htm
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DFX Version 2.0 Is Now Fully Midi-Compatible - Published on 05/12/15
Paris based Fingerlab today announces DFX - Digital Multi-FX 2.0, an important update to their wildly popular real-time quad multi-effects processor for iPad. Plug in any audio source. Select one, two, three or four effects amongst 35 hi-quality digital audio effects and explore endless sonic possibilities. Version 2.0 is now fully Midi compatible and works with any Midi controller or keyboard. Plug your controller and drive any button or fader directly from DFX. Simple, intuitive and fun!
Paris, France - Fingerlab today is proud to announce the release of DFX - Digital Multi-FX 2.0, an important update to their wildly popular real-time quad multi-effects processor for iPad. Simple, intuitive and fun, with no user guide required, DFX features an intuitive and beautiful user interface for easy playability and instant fun. DFX version 2.0 is now fully Midi compatible and works with any Midi controller or keyboard. Plug your controller and drive any button or fader directly from DFX.
Plug in any audio source, a guitar, a bass, a microphone, a DJ mixer. Or play your favorite iOS synth or drum machine with Audiobus or Apple Inter-App Audio. Or why not playing a track from your iTunes Music Library? Or even more just use one of the built-in tone synthesizers. Select one, two, three or four effects amongst 35 hi-quality digital audio effects and explore endless sonic possibilities. Delays, echos, reverbs, filters, tremolo, autowah, compressors, distortions, vocoders, resonators, with more possibilities than you can imagine. Expand your sonic world to new frontiers:
* 10 effect categories
* Delays: Sync Delay, Ping Pong, Tape Delay
* Reverbs: Metal box, Hall, Descent, Reflections, Freeze,
* Filters: High Pass, Low Pass, High Shelf, Low Shelf
* Phase: Phase Flux, Vibe Chorus, Phase Shift
* Modulation: Wave Tremolo, AutoWah, Envelope Follower, Ring Modulator
* Distortion: Wave Shaper, Bias, Raw, Bit Crusher, Synthizer
* Voice FX: Vocoder, Resonator, Formant Simulator
* Pan: Stereolizer, AutoPan, Leslie
* Dynamics: Noise Gate, Compressor
* Instruments: High Tone Synth, Bass Tone Synth
* Audiobus compatible
* Audio Inter-App compatible
* 4 playable trackpads with real-time waveforms
* Live Effect Swapping
* Live recording
* Recordings manager
* Recordings exporter
* Built-in Countdown
* Built-in Tone Synths (high and bass)
* Built-in Output Limiter for a controlled output
* Built-in Metronome
* Tempo Synced animations
* Effect Solo Mode
* iTunes playback
* Presets Manager (factory & user)
* Fullscreen Favorite Presets for fast live access
"We are curious. We like new experiences. We welcome unexpected discoveries. And we are musicians," said Antoine Lepoutre, co-founder of Paris based Fingerlab SARL. "It therefore was an obvious choice for us to develop for the iPad the multi-effects that we wanted, that we needed for our thirst for sound. Four powerful and multipurpose chained effects, driven by trackpads for fast and easy sonic explorations. Like a million of pedal boards on a device. We are indie developers and our goal is to create the greatest user experience for mobile devices. We are driven by our passions: creatIng music, making photography and playing video games. Enjoy!"
Device Requirements:
* Compatible with iPad
* Requires iOS 7.0 or later
* 21.7 MB
Pricing and Availability:
DFX - Digital Multi-FX 2.0 is $3.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Music category.
Fingerlab: http://fingerlab.net
DFX - Digital Multi-FX 2.0: http://fingerlab.net/portfolio/dfx
Purchase and Download: https://itunes.apple.com/app/dfx-digital-multi-fx/id921970043
YouTube Video (Demo): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95ZEjpw8IVo
Based in Paris, France, FingerLab is an independent app development and publishing studio which was established in the year 2010. Fingerlab is fuelled by the passions and multiple and mixed skills of its three core members and recurrent collaborators like Jonas Errikson. In 2012, it won the Apple Design Award for its DM1-The Drum Machine, as well as featured in the iTunes App Store in several categories including Best of 2013 (Music), App of the Week, and Hall of Fame. All Material and Software (C) Copyright 2010-2015 Fingerlab SARL. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74897.htm
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Output Factory Server for Adobe InDesign Adds PDF Security Automation
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Output Factory Server for Adobe InDesign Adds PDF Security Automation - Published on 05/12/15
Zevrix Solutions announces Output Factory Server 1.2, a feature update to its output workflow automation solution for Adobe InDesign. Output Factory Server automates printing and exporting from InDesign by processing files from hot folders. The software offloads output tasks to a central system leaving operator workstations free from the output process. The new version lets users automate creation of secure PDF files with password protection, encryption, print restrictions, and other options.
Toronto (ON) Canada - Zevrix Solutions today is proud to announce the release of Output Factory Server 1.2, a feature update to its solution to automate printing, exporting and post-processing from Adobe InDesign. Developed originally for a major magazine publisher in the United States to free up their operator computers from outputting InDesign files, the software automates InDesign workflow by processing files from watched hot folders.
The new version allows to incorporate PDF security options into workflow settings, thus letting users create secure PDF files automatically from hot folders. Output Factory is the only tool that can automate this process as even InDesign's built-in PDF export presets don't allow users to save the security features. Output Factory offers all the PDF security methods available from Adobe, such as password protection, encryption, and restriction of printing, copying and editing.
"Output Factory Server is an extremely useful utility for a busy production facility or advertising agency", writes David Creamer in Layers magazine, "It can save lots of time - which equates to money."
Under the Output Factory Server workflow, production artists, prepress operators and designers simply copy InDesign jobs to hot folders that reside on a network. Users can create hot folders for different output targets such as hi-res PDF, large format printing, EPUB files and so on. The software offers the following key features:
* Print and export InDesign files from watched hot folders
* Supports print, PDF, PostScript, TIFF, EPUB and other formats
* Automatic e-mail notifications
* Export InDesign files as single pages
* Layer versioning
* Variable output file names
* Preflight files before output
* Serve unlimited users on a network
Pricing and Availability:
Output Factory Server can be purchased from Zevrix web site for $699.95 (USD), as well as from authorized resellers. Trial is also available for download. BatchOutput Server users can upgrade for $350. Output Factory Server runs on Mac OS X 10.6-10.10 and works with Adobe InDesign CS3-CC 2014.
Zevrix Solutions: http://zevrix.com
Output Factory Server 1.2: http://zevrix.com/OutputFactoryServer.php
Download Output Factory Server: http://zevrix.com/OutputFactoryServer.dmg
Purchase: http://zevrix.com/store.php
Screenshot: http://zevrix.com/screenshots/ofs1/ofs-beta-pdf.jpg
Located in Toronto, Canada, Zevrix Solutions provides automation and productivity solutions for Adobe Creative Cloud and Creative Suite software, PDF workflows, graphic file diagnostics and Microsoft Office output on Mac OS. Zevrix is dedicated to help professionals increase their profits through automating everyday tasks, producing error-free documents, saving disk space and cutting production costs. For more information, visit their website. Copyright (C) 2015 Zevrix Solutions. All Rights Reserved. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74899.htm
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Output Factory Server for Adobe InDesign Adds PDF Security Automation - Published on 05/12/15
Zevrix Solutions announces Output Factory Server 1.2, a feature update to its output workflow automation solution for Adobe InDesign. Output Factory Server automates printing and exporting from InDesign by processing files from hot folders. The software offloads output tasks to a central system leaving operator workstations free from the output process. The new version lets users automate creation of secure PDF files with password protection, encryption, print restrictions, and other options.
Toronto (ON) Canada - Zevrix Solutions today is proud to announce the release of Output Factory Server 1.2, a feature update to its solution to automate printing, exporting and post-processing from Adobe InDesign. Developed originally for a major magazine publisher in the United States to free up their operator computers from outputting InDesign files, the software automates InDesign workflow by processing files from watched hot folders.
The new version allows to incorporate PDF security options into workflow settings, thus letting users create secure PDF files automatically from hot folders. Output Factory is the only tool that can automate this process as even InDesign's built-in PDF export presets don't allow users to save the security features. Output Factory offers all the PDF security methods available from Adobe, such as password protection, encryption, and restriction of printing, copying and editing.
"Output Factory Server is an extremely useful utility for a busy production facility or advertising agency", writes David Creamer in Layers magazine, "It can save lots of time - which equates to money."
Under the Output Factory Server workflow, production artists, prepress operators and designers simply copy InDesign jobs to hot folders that reside on a network. Users can create hot folders for different output targets such as hi-res PDF, large format printing, EPUB files and so on. The software offers the following key features:
* Print and export InDesign files from watched hot folders
* Supports print, PDF, PostScript, TIFF, EPUB and other formats
* Automatic e-mail notifications
* Export InDesign files as single pages
* Layer versioning
* Variable output file names
* Preflight files before output
* Serve unlimited users on a network
Pricing and Availability:
Output Factory Server can be purchased from Zevrix web site for $699.95 (USD), as well as from authorized resellers. Trial is also available for download. BatchOutput Server users can upgrade for $350. Output Factory Server runs on Mac OS X 10.6-10.10 and works with Adobe InDesign CS3-CC 2014.
Zevrix Solutions: http://zevrix.com
Output Factory Server 1.2: http://zevrix.com/OutputFactoryServer.php
Download Output Factory Server: http://zevrix.com/OutputFactoryServer.dmg
Purchase: http://zevrix.com/store.php
Screenshot: http://zevrix.com/screenshots/ofs1/ofs-beta-pdf.jpg
Located in Toronto, Canada, Zevrix Solutions provides automation and productivity solutions for Adobe Creative Cloud and Creative Suite software, PDF workflows, graphic file diagnostics and Microsoft Office output on Mac OS. Zevrix is dedicated to help professionals increase their profits through automating everyday tasks, producing error-free documents, saving disk space and cutting production costs. For more information, visit their website. Copyright (C) 2015 Zevrix Solutions. All Rights Reserved. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74899.htm
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NeoFinder 6.7 released for OS X - Keep Track of your Digital Files
A new article has been published at prMac.
NeoFinder 6.7 released for OS X - Keep Track of your Digital Files - Published on 05/12/15
Norbert M. Doerner has released NeoFinder for Mac 6.7 (was CDFinder). NeoFinder makes it easier than ever to keep track of your digital files, photos, songs, movies, fonts on hard drives, USB sticks, servers, Blu-ray disks, DVD-ROMs, CDROMs, and any other digital media. NeoFinder generates thumbnails and reads a lot of metadata during cataloging, for powerful search possibilities. The new version has improved cataloging of RAW, DPX, and Open Office files, and more.
Langenhahn, Germany - Norbert M. Doerner has released NeoFinder 6.7 (formerly known as CDFinder). The new version has improved cataloging of RAW, DPX, and Open Office files, and more. NeoFinder makes it easier than ever to keep track of your digital files, photos, songs, movies, fonts on hard disks, USB sticks, server disks, Blu-ray disks, DVD-ROMs, CDROMs, and any other digital media. NeoFinder generates thumbnails and reads a lot of metadata during cataloging, for powerful search possibilities, smart folders, albums, and more.
New Features in NeoFinder 6.7:
* Can now catalog the contents Open Office text files ('.odt' and '.ott')
* NeoFinder can now catalog DPX (Digital Picture Exchange) video still images and read their SMTPE timecode
* Added support to catalog PhaseOne RAW images ('.iiq')
* Added support to catalog Leica RAW images ('.rwl')
* NeoFinder can now catalog the structure of CBR and CBZ (Comic Book Archives) files
* You can now edit the comment for multiple items in catalogs at once in the Inspector
* Several additional columns can now be edited directly in the List View
* You can now catalog the Adobe XMP data in PNG images
* Several Importers can ignore invisible files during the Import
* You can now sort the Icon View by Modification Date and by Path
* The DatabaseSettings.xml now has a new section to completely ignore certain files during cataloging, for example XMP sidecar files
* IPTC keywords and Tags are now displayed sorted in the Inspector
* You can now edit the item names in Column View
NeoFinder Highlights:
Metadata - NeoFinder catalogs metadata of songs, movies, fonts, and photos, including the MP3-Tags of several audio file formats, EXIF, GPS, and IPTC data of photos, and also Adobe XMP information. All these are clearly arranged in the user interface, and can be extensively searched. For numerous photo and video formats, fonts, and text files, NeoFinder generates thumbnails during cataloging, displaying them in all list and icon views.
Integration - Offering a tight connection to major productivity tools, such as Adobe Creative Suite, Microsoft Office, Roxio Toast, FileMaker Pro, Apples Spotlight and Finder, and the extensive support of drag&drop into other applications, NeoFinder can support many workflow scenarios.
Geotagging - Only NeoFinder offers the integrated GeoFinder, which searches for photos taken near a spot, or the KMZ export for coordinates and photo thumbnails as a way to give geolocated photos to friends. NeoFinder can even geotag photos itself, no other software needed. And only NeoFinder displays amazing facts about any geolocation in the unique Wikipedia Inspector.
Networking - Store your catalog database on a server for access from all Macs in the network, and with the sidekick product abeMeda (was CDWinder for Windows) even from Microsoft Windows.
Mobile - Keep your NeoFinder database with you on your iPhone or iPad with the separate NeoFinder for iOS app.
Since the initial release of CDFinder 1.0 in 1995, more than 60,000 customers in 95 countries around the world are using CDFinder and now NeoFinder to organise their digital library, and manage their data archive and backups, including NASA, IKEA, BBC, Mattel, Rand McNally, Pfizer, Random House, Oracle, and Warner Bros.
Language Support:
* German, English, French, Swedish, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, and Japanese
System Requirements:
* Requires Mac OS X v10.6, 10.7, 10.8, 10.9, or 10.10 Mavericks
* Previous CDFinder and NeoFinder versions for older Mac OS versions are still available
* Separate app for iOS (iPhone and iPad) is available, too
Pricing and Availability:
NeoFinder 6 is a paid update to licensed users of CDFinder, update price starting at 19 Euros. Cross-grades for users of competing applications (DiskLibrary, FileFinder, CatFinder, Canto Cumulus, Disk Tracker, DiskCatalogMaker, Atomic View, iView Media Pro, and more) are available. A free NeoFinder demo version can be downloaded from the NeoFinder website, the price for new users starts at 29,00 (EUR). Multiple user packs are available for network users. NeoFinder 6.6 is a free update to all NeoFinder customers.
NeoFinder 6.7: http://www.cdfinder.de/
Download NeoFinder: http://www.cdfinder.de/neofinder.zip
Purchase: http://www.cdfinder.de/en/order.html
Screenshot: http://www.cdfinder.de/main-screenshot.jpg
Application Icon: http://www.cdfinder.de/rw_common/images/NeoFinder%20Icon%20128%20px%20Alpha.png
Norbert M. Doerner is a computer scientist with a love for integration and cool products. He develops great Macintosh software since 1991. Popular products include the disk cataloger NeoFinder (was CDFinder), various plugins for the Finder, iPhoto and Aperture, and the audio transcription software F5.app. Copyright (C) 1991-2015 Norbert M. Doerner. Apple, the Apple logo, Mac and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74898.htm
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NeoFinder 6.7 released for OS X - Keep Track of your Digital Files - Published on 05/12/15
Norbert M. Doerner has released NeoFinder for Mac 6.7 (was CDFinder). NeoFinder makes it easier than ever to keep track of your digital files, photos, songs, movies, fonts on hard drives, USB sticks, servers, Blu-ray disks, DVD-ROMs, CDROMs, and any other digital media. NeoFinder generates thumbnails and reads a lot of metadata during cataloging, for powerful search possibilities. The new version has improved cataloging of RAW, DPX, and Open Office files, and more.
Langenhahn, Germany - Norbert M. Doerner has released NeoFinder 6.7 (formerly known as CDFinder). The new version has improved cataloging of RAW, DPX, and Open Office files, and more. NeoFinder makes it easier than ever to keep track of your digital files, photos, songs, movies, fonts on hard disks, USB sticks, server disks, Blu-ray disks, DVD-ROMs, CDROMs, and any other digital media. NeoFinder generates thumbnails and reads a lot of metadata during cataloging, for powerful search possibilities, smart folders, albums, and more.
New Features in NeoFinder 6.7:
* Can now catalog the contents Open Office text files ('.odt' and '.ott')
* NeoFinder can now catalog DPX (Digital Picture Exchange) video still images and read their SMTPE timecode
* Added support to catalog PhaseOne RAW images ('.iiq')
* Added support to catalog Leica RAW images ('.rwl')
* NeoFinder can now catalog the structure of CBR and CBZ (Comic Book Archives) files
* You can now edit the comment for multiple items in catalogs at once in the Inspector
* Several additional columns can now be edited directly in the List View
* You can now catalog the Adobe XMP data in PNG images
* Several Importers can ignore invisible files during the Import
* You can now sort the Icon View by Modification Date and by Path
* The DatabaseSettings.xml now has a new section to completely ignore certain files during cataloging, for example XMP sidecar files
* IPTC keywords and Tags are now displayed sorted in the Inspector
* You can now edit the item names in Column View
NeoFinder Highlights:
Metadata - NeoFinder catalogs metadata of songs, movies, fonts, and photos, including the MP3-Tags of several audio file formats, EXIF, GPS, and IPTC data of photos, and also Adobe XMP information. All these are clearly arranged in the user interface, and can be extensively searched. For numerous photo and video formats, fonts, and text files, NeoFinder generates thumbnails during cataloging, displaying them in all list and icon views.
Integration - Offering a tight connection to major productivity tools, such as Adobe Creative Suite, Microsoft Office, Roxio Toast, FileMaker Pro, Apples Spotlight and Finder, and the extensive support of drag&drop into other applications, NeoFinder can support many workflow scenarios.
Geotagging - Only NeoFinder offers the integrated GeoFinder, which searches for photos taken near a spot, or the KMZ export for coordinates and photo thumbnails as a way to give geolocated photos to friends. NeoFinder can even geotag photos itself, no other software needed. And only NeoFinder displays amazing facts about any geolocation in the unique Wikipedia Inspector.
Networking - Store your catalog database on a server for access from all Macs in the network, and with the sidekick product abeMeda (was CDWinder for Windows) even from Microsoft Windows.
Mobile - Keep your NeoFinder database with you on your iPhone or iPad with the separate NeoFinder for iOS app.
Since the initial release of CDFinder 1.0 in 1995, more than 60,000 customers in 95 countries around the world are using CDFinder and now NeoFinder to organise their digital library, and manage their data archive and backups, including NASA, IKEA, BBC, Mattel, Rand McNally, Pfizer, Random House, Oracle, and Warner Bros.
Language Support:
* German, English, French, Swedish, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, and Japanese
System Requirements:
* Requires Mac OS X v10.6, 10.7, 10.8, 10.9, or 10.10 Mavericks
* Previous CDFinder and NeoFinder versions for older Mac OS versions are still available
* Separate app for iOS (iPhone and iPad) is available, too
Pricing and Availability:
NeoFinder 6 is a paid update to licensed users of CDFinder, update price starting at 19 Euros. Cross-grades for users of competing applications (DiskLibrary, FileFinder, CatFinder, Canto Cumulus, Disk Tracker, DiskCatalogMaker, Atomic View, iView Media Pro, and more) are available. A free NeoFinder demo version can be downloaded from the NeoFinder website, the price for new users starts at 29,00 (EUR). Multiple user packs are available for network users. NeoFinder 6.6 is a free update to all NeoFinder customers.
NeoFinder 6.7: http://www.cdfinder.de/
Download NeoFinder: http://www.cdfinder.de/neofinder.zip
Purchase: http://www.cdfinder.de/en/order.html
Screenshot: http://www.cdfinder.de/main-screenshot.jpg
Application Icon: http://www.cdfinder.de/rw_common/images/NeoFinder%20Icon%20128%20px%20Alpha.png
Norbert M. Doerner is a computer scientist with a love for integration and cool products. He develops great Macintosh software since 1991. Popular products include the disk cataloger NeoFinder (was CDFinder), various plugins for the Finder, iPhoto and Aperture, and the audio transcription software F5.app. Copyright (C) 1991-2015 Norbert M. Doerner. Apple, the Apple logo, Mac and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-74898.htm
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