Orders 1.3 To Archive Company Orders and Sort/Extract Them

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Orders 1.3 To Archive Company Orders and Sort/Extract Them - Published on 06/25/18

Orders 1.3 is an application for Mac to archive your company sales orders, typically coming in tabled or form orders, after a previous preprocessing or directly from web servers or other sources. The Orders application is part of your work chain managing your company. Orders is about just one thing, archive your orders in a stable, secure place, easily maintainable and searchable, for successive output and post processing and for any successive use.

Milano, Italy - Tension Software is proud to announce the release of Orders 1.3, an application for Mac to archive your company sales orders, typically coming in tabled or form orders, after a previous preprocessing or directly from web servers or other sources. The Orders application is just a part of your work chain and it doesn't try to do it all.

Orders is about just one thing, archive your orders in a stable, secure place, easily maintainable and searchable, for successive output and post processing and for any successive use.

It can import from CSV (comma separated values), CSV-S (char separated values using semicolon) and FORM text files, and accepting different encoding formats. It can import also from 'form' format, from text files with a single record per file.

Orders provide an easy search and filter method to search inside all your records with preset periods: today, yesterday, current week, previous week, current month, previous month, current year, previous year.

It can import unattended and in an automatic way, processing at regular time interval your orders, archiving them in the internal database and moving processed input files in another folder.

What's new:
* Table now ordered in Non case sensitive mode
* Table selection shows instantly how many selected and sum amount of selection
* Selection dialog to specify form import folders improved
* Bug fixes
* Optimization

System Requirements:
* macOS Version 10.10 or higher
* 3.8 MB

Pricing and Availability:
Orders 1.3 is just $19.99 USD (or an equivalent amount in other currencies) and is available worldwide through the Mac App Store in the Productivity category.

Tension Software: http://www.tensionsoftware.com
Orders 1.3: http://www.tensionsoftware.com/osx/orders/
Purchase and Download from Mac App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/app/orders/id889716377

Tension Software develops software for macOS and iOS using the latest Apple technologies.
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Link To Article: https://prmac.com/release-id-82817.htm

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